I know this is a bit random, but I've been posting pics of my van with the number plate visible and noticed a lot of people (not everyone) blur their number plate.
Can it be a problem posting with it visable?
I've just been searching Google for headlight issues and my posts on here came up showing my van with the number plate visable.
I'm guessing a crook could compile my pics and create a fake advert with the van for sale.
What do people think?
I know this is a bit random, but I've been posting pics of my van with the number plate visible and noticed a lot of people (not everyone) blur their number plate.
Can it be a problem posting with it visable?
I've just been searching Google for headlight issues and my posts on here came up showing my van with the number plate visable.
I'm guessing a crook could compile my pics and create a fake advert with the van for sale.
What do people think?