Just looking for a little balance in your narrative tbh.
Considering the past 10 years, since its peak in July 2014, GBP has lost 29% of its value against USD (the trading currency for oil). In the same period, the euro has lost over 23%, the Canadian dollar 24% and the yen 42%. So, I would say that there are stronger forces at work here than Brexit, would you not agree? (Note: no dogmatic denial on my part that Brexit is a contributory factor).
As for 'net zero', it is exactly the pursuit of this aim that has seen the UK shutdown it's coal industry, restrict North Sea oil exploration and point-blank refuse to frack, thus resulting in an exaggerated reliance on fuel and energy imports. Then there's the 'green levy' - whilst not directly applied to pump prices, this is a heavy price that all UK consumers are burdened with (knowingly or otherwise) and one which makes all but the most fortunate less financially resilient.