Rain and wet pop tops... advice needed

Hi, we opened our pop top recently and since then it has rained everyday which means there has been no opportunity for it to dry. What’s the best option in these circumstances? Doesn’t seem like the rain is going to let up anytime soon although it has occasionally - just not long enough for it to dry out. Advice needed.
Thanks for the help. While we wait for the chance to do that (maybe a few days) is it better to leave the pop top up or put it down damp?
We had this issue last year. I had to keep popping it whenever the rain stopped and dropping it as soon as it started again, with the diesel heater on. Drying with a towel (roof covered by poptop too) helped speed this up.

I don’t think there is much more you can do, I certainly don’t like to keep it closed when I know it’s wet but the last few weeks have been a nightmare with almost constant rain so it may take a week or two to get it dry whatever you do
Thanks - we have left it up while it continues to rain with the aim to dry it and put down as soon as possible. Sounds like this is a better option than putting it down wet with the aim of putting it up to dry as a soon as possible?
Thanks - we have left it up while it continues to rain with the aim to dry it and put down as soon as possible. Sounds like this is a better option than putting it down wet with the aim of putting it up to dry as a soon as possible?
I think this is one of the conundrums that GCHQ personnel dept use.
IMO put it down, the van is more secure and it won’t be damaged by a wind gust.
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Appreciate it's not much help whilst it's still raining, but when you do get a chance to try & dry, a leaf-blower could help speed up the drying process (Idea courtesy of @Dellmassive :thumbsup:).
When we've needed to dry ours I've taken a portable dehumidifier and ran it in the van. The diesel heater would probably work too but the dehumidifier is removing moisture which probably helps a little.
@JaiCee. Does the dehumidifier take care of water on the outside? @Hobsini. I've only had to do it once but my choice was to wait for a break in the rain, put the heater on and go over the outside of the canvas (and van roof that would be under the pop top) with a microfibre towel. If the rain has stopped, you might be surprised how quickly the remaining damp dries out.
@JaiCee. Does the dehumidifier take care of water on the outside? @Hobsini. I've only had to do it once but my choice was to wait for a break in the rain, put the heater on and go over the outside of the canvas (and van roof that would be under the pop top) with a microfibre towel. If the rain has stopped, you might be surprised how quickly the remaining damp dries out.
Not if it's still raining but as you say it doesn't take long for the outside to dry anyway if there's a breeze or the sun out