Rear seat pros and cons...

Yes the factory kombi comes with the mounting points for the third row seat belts - The belts just need to be screwed in,

The floor mounts needed to be drilled and fitted and with the correct reinforcement plates from VW - No bodywork or welding. This can all be done in a day, and fitted in whatever configuration for the seats that you want
Does anyone know if the rear seat belts need to be the official shuttle ones with 'hangers' or can they be without?
Which ones look or work the best? Any pros or cons for either?
Personally, I’d only fit the ones specified by VW for the relevant position in the van. For the negligible cost not worth the compromise/risk IMHO
Personally, I’d only fit the ones specified by VW for the relevant position in the van. For the negligible cost not worth the compromise/risk IMHO
They would definitely be VW ones. From researching I’ve seen some people use the 2nd row seat belts in the rear and some people use the official 3rd row ones with ‘hangers/bars’.
Wondered why people fitted different ones
I’d only fit ones with bars in row 3 as the fixing points are at the roof line rather than half way down the C pillar as with row 2

I expect they are making cheap short cuts!
I’d only fit ones with bars in row 3 as the fixing points are at the roof line rather than half way down the C pillar as with row 2

I expect they are making cheap short cuts!
ha ha. That's what I thought ;)