Thanks @Howzat . It worked out fine.Hi Mike. Missed your questions until now. Stick the @ in front of a username so we get a notification
As for drilling the lens then yeah exactly where you marked it. There's just enough space at the side of the internal LED board to get the wire past. EDIT: I removed the lens and dismantled it before drilling. Once it's off you'll see better if it's doable but I'm not sure if the tailgate version is as easy to remove and replace. I'm sure I've read somewhere here that the tailgate version breaks on removal.

To anyone who wants to give this a try:
Drill slowly and gently. If you go too fast the plastic melts and grips the flutes of the drill.
I drilled a pilot hole of 1.5 mm, then opened up slowly in 2mm increments. With hindsight it might have been better to go in slowly at the final diameter with a brand new drill. The connector at the end of the camera cable is about 6.6 mm diameter. By the time I'd got the hole to 5.5 mm I could feel the drill bit 'catching'. The lens plastic is quite brittle so I opened up the last mm with a rat-tail file. I also shaved the connector a bit with a new Stanley knife blade.
I needed access to the connector from the inside so drilled a hole with a stepper drill:

From here I can feed the cable through to the rear left pillar. Will post new pics when that is done. Didn't finish today as new VW carbon spoiler bling arrived.
Best Wishes,