Recommend 12v socket brand


T6 Guru
Is there a particular brand that people recommend for 12v sockets. Googled it and a few came up on Amazon but in the reviews some had melted lol.

A little more info .....I'm fitting 12mm phenolic ply to my seat bases and fitting c line single 240v socket to passenger side and on the drivers side a usb c and a socket possibly the Thievel brand on Amazon and I want a 12v socket. These will be drilled through the ply no need for backing plates etc.

So if someone has one they'd recommend that won't melt lol
If you want solid quality in electrics then look to the marine brands such as Blue Sea. They are a lot of money but balance that against the time and effort you put into the van and the years you will use it.

I'd probably also look to get them from an independent supplier rather than the faceless box shifters like Amazon and eBay.

If you are intending to draw significant current for a period of time from them, such as to run a small inverter or charge a power pack type device, consider a better connector such as Anderson - the traditional 12v socket is only really good enough for around 8A.
I'm fitting a 1000w inverter under passenger seat so the 12v socket will just run stuff like a portable fridge/freezer etc