@Insert Coin ... yeah that's a fair point but the main dealer the van is at is the one Leighton use for all their warranty and official VW stuff. So Leighton are an enormous customer for them.
I take your point about all marques having issues (although my Range has had none

) but the reason I am particularly stressed about this one is that the T6 EGR issue puts coolant into the Oil, Gearbox or Exhaust. So, there are varying degrees of widespread collateral damage. Replacing the EGR and hopefully ending the leak, is unfortunately not the end of the story. The collateral damage can show 1000's miles later. Turbo's, Engine, Exhaust system .... all silly money to fix. Having read loads on it, particularly noteworthy stories on the Caravelle and T5 Forum's where people had to have complete replacement engines and turbo's !!
You are so right ... unfortunately this has been the biggest anti-climax new car delivery of my life. I cannot see how my confidence can be restored. I bought this to very reliably warp across Europe biking. It can't make it down the road