Retrofitting powered Tailgate

Long time no visit for and life always seems to get in the way of van tinkering!
I started this retrofit probably two years ago on my T5.1 (T5GP), all the wiring is now present and the module fitted, I just didn't get the brackets made and only had one actuator at the time. Fortunately I've now got two actuators!

A friend who is a bit more handy than me owes me a favour, and has started fabricating the brackets, however, he has asked me to find the measurements indicated in red....
are you still looking for this?
Změňte své 6D kódování na 1933098003
a upravte své 6D úpravy, jak je uvedeno níže.

IDE02134-MAS04214-Aktivace pomocí spínače dálkového odemykání zadního víka-Funkce klepnutí pro otevření, aktivní ,1
IDE02134-MAS04215-Aktivace pomocí spínače dálkového odemykání zadního víka-Funkce klepnutí pro zavření, aktivní ,1
IDE02134-MAS04216-Aktivace pomocí spínače dálkového odemykání zadního víka-Dotyková funkce pro otevření, neaktivní ,1
IDE02134-MAS04217-Aktivace pomocí spínače dálkového odemykání zadního víka-Dotyková funkce pro zavírání, neaktivní ,1
IDE02136-MAS04214-Aktivace pomocí tlačítka pro otevření zadního víka na dálkovém klíči-Funkce poklepání pro otevření,aktivní,1
IDE02136-MAS04215-Aktivace pomocí tlačítka pro otevření zadního víka na dálkovém klíči-Funkce klepnutí pro zavření,aktivní ,1
IDE02136-MAS04216-Aktivace pomocí tlačítka pro otevření zadního víka na dálkovém klíči-Funkce dotyku pro otevření,neaktivní,1
IDE02136-MAS04217-Aktivace pomocí tlačítka pro otevření zadního víka na dálkovém klíči-Dotyková funkce pro zavírání, neaktivní,1

A pak změňte své kódování 09 na
22F 2 F9BE0A6134 8 381288F032DEB8EDD0FA4660F60C93E003204033F0840
prosím jak má vypadat základní nastavení těchto parametrů?

Were the hinges also changed in this example? Or he left original t5 hinges?
Sorry mate for a late reply.
All the info and photos related to a T5.1 electric tailgate retrofit come from @Evgeni.
He did it for someone from England.
I posted already everything I know.
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Hi all,
I've searched far and wide, but have not been able to find an answer, so I'm trying here. I actually have a power tailgate fitted from factory, which I've been able to open/close from the key fob/switch in the drivers door. A recent swap of my PDC module (went for the 1k8 919 472 C with Sharan parameters) has disabled the opening part of this. I simply have no idea why that is. I've tried loading different parameters, various codings, adaptations, nothing changes. The only thing I can think of is the "Electric Tailgate installed" bit in the 1k8 module that for some reason I cannot set (Error 31 - coding out of range).

If anyone has any suggestions... I'm attaching a full autoscan and can provide more info as needed, thanks!


  • 2024-03-04 Autoscan full.txt
    25.9 KB · Views: 3
I have recently had Automotive Controls retro fit an electric tailgate as I understand it’s no longer a factory order option.

They did a great job and very reasonably priced.
Can you share an indication of the cost?
I was always curious what is actually inside of the electric ram.
So I kept on looking and as per the above photos and video I eventually found and got declared faulty unit.
After quick test I have discovered that this ram actually works but produces very unpleasant noise when moving the tailgate.
Dismantling of 7E5827851 unit was a bit tricky but successful. There is a gearbox between the electric motor and the driving screw.
This gearbox is a double (epicyclic gearing/planetary mechanism) made out of plastic.

One set of planetary gears (3 pieces) has failed.

View attachment 62669

View attachment 62668

View attachment 62667

A bit of 3D printing and I am back in business ;)

View attachment 62666

Reinstallation was very simple but then resealing of the metal tube was another challenge but also done successfully :)
So now I have spare, fully refurbished ram plus another spare set of gears :thumbsup:

Found out that one of my preowned drives came faulty too, same unpleasant noise inside.
Can you share a 3D model of the gear please?
Sure, but I need to find it first :thumbsdown:
It was long time ago and I am not sure if I actually kept the file :rolleyes:
So far I only found this.
Number of gear teeth is 15,
external diameter 10mm, internal diameter 3.5mm.
Gear width(height) is 6.7mm.

I'll keep on digging and post it here when/if I find it.
After buying it 16 months ago I have finally fitted the electric tailgate kit from Bossway on my T6 Caravelle Exec. After prevaricating for so long when I came to do the work it was straightforward. Worked as it should without any messing about. Just make sure you have the right instructions, mine came with T6 Transporter guidance not the for the Caravelle. The wiring needed for the Caravelle is simpler than for a Transporter. Glen from Bossway was helpful even over a year after purchase.