Thank you. So if the rest is correct can you see why he felt aggrieved enough to want to vent his frustration about the events listed?
I do understand but this could of all been avoided if he just rang or emailed
Thank you. So if the rest is correct can you see why he felt aggrieved enough to want to vent his frustration about the events listed?
So you don't think how he was treated was appalling? I can tell by your knowledge of the law, your literacy and your grammar, that you are definitely a real "consultant" with lots of legal experience and should be taken really seriously. We would love to hear more of your valued opinion on the matter.
There is absolutely nothing illegal about reporting events factually in public. Your personal opinion as a customer, and as a concerned member of the public, is perfectly valid on here, but please don't pretend you have any knowledge of the law regarding this or you just won't be taken seriously.On these posts people must be very careful on what they write because these are not by any means forgotten or deleted if mr whomever has a dispute with a company the first thing you should attempt is a resolution over the dispute with the installing company in question and then if they can’t help you then you should contact the manufacturer to consult whatever in question has gone wrong and only then should you seek further.
Always try to sort your issues quietly first and only if a resolution is not rectified then take it further, but people be careful what you say on these posts.
In all seriousness, you might want to take some legal advice (as in genuine legal advice, not from a "consultant") on passing off under section 216 Insolvency Act 1986. Not saying that's what you're doing, but does need to be borne in mind
I think he should try and resolve this issue face to face with them and if no resolution is found go to the manufacturer do you not agree.There is absolutely nothing illegal about reporting events factually in public. Your personal opinion as a customer, and as a concerned member of the public, is perfectly valid on here, but please don't pretend you have any knowledge of the law regarding this or you just won't be taken seriously.
On these posts people must be very careful on what they write because these are not by any means forgotten or deleted if mr whomever has a dispute with a company the first thing you should attempt is a resolution over the dispute with the installing company in question and then if they can’t help you then you should contact the manufacturer to consult whatever in question has gone wrong and only then should you seek further.
Always try to sort your issues quietly first and only if a resolution is not rectified then take it further, but people be careful what you say on these posts.
I wasn't referring to you!Not at all.
Hi Pete
I didn’t think I’d have to explain the reasons why the company went into Liquidation, as I never thought I’d be publicly shamed for doing so. I’m not a rouge trader that takes people’s money and runs away, as you can see I’ve tried to keep the name I love as close as possible. I have serviced the VW community for many years and have made a successful business from it, which has come from hard work and dedication
To answer your question about why this happened, around 2017/18 we employed a member of staff to manage the running of the business ie booking work in, ordering parts, invoicing, general running of the day to day business, which would leave myself and my team to crack on with the work. Unfortunately due to the incompetence of the staff member we were overbooked, parts not ordered and customers having delays, it almost felt like we grew too big over night, but really it wasn’t being managed properly, which I am fully to blame as I’m the owner. By this time the damage had already been done and monies and discounts were taken off invoices as compensation and freebies, which all had a huge knock on effect, which is why the company had to be dissolved
Myself and my wife Laura are now fully in control of the company, this wasn’t an option at the time as we had young children.
I’m very proud of my company, which is why I’ve kept it as close to the old name as possible
The funny thing is I was really embarrassed by doing this as I do feel like I failed, but to make matters worse the guy who was dealing with the insolvency was a previous customer who was very shocked and saddened, but reassured me I was doing the right thing for the company and my family
I do hope he does thrive as they are really nice people and I mean it, I have high hopes for there future because there customer service now is awesome and caring, as everybody knows it takes a long time to get a good reputation but seconds to lose it.Sorry fella, it maybe my loss but you have still yet to get yourself an entry in my credibility book,
Whereas the owner, Dean, comes across as being dedicated, credible and perhaps unlucky. From his responses alone is now already in there.
Let’s hope that his business thrives on the quality of service he says that he can provide.
I have no opinion on his next move, my concern was with you trying to scare him into removing his factual (as agreed by the business owner) account of the treatment of him and his family. I'm pleased you have had good service there, but that does not mean that others who have not should be precluded from publicly airing their experiences. Had things gone badly for you, plenty of people on here would be vociferorous in their support of you too. Read his account of how things went again, and how patient he was with their efforts of resolution and imagine if that had been you.I think he should try and resolve this issue face to face with them and if no resolution is found go to the manufacturer do you not agree.
On these posts people must be very careful on what they write because these are not by any means forgotten or deleted if mr whomever has a dispute with a company the first thing you should attempt is a resolution over the dispute with the installing company in question and then if they can’t help you then you should contact the manufacturer to consult whatever in question has gone wrong and only then should you seek further.
Always try to sort your issues quietly first and only if a resolution is not rectified then take it further, but people be careful what you say on these posts.
My roof was fitted just before @DaveyB. I was a victim of the poor management that Dean mentioned. My van sat outside their unit for a whole month, it didn't move and wasn't touched. Ultimately I think my installation was rushed. After driving over to VanDoc to see what was going on Dean was very apologetic and offered me the use of one off their vans and to carpet the metal work of my van FOC.
I don't think the work was carried out by Dean rather his employee's who perhaps don't have the same feeling for the company as the business owner. My install has been blighted with leaks. Dean has had the van back twice to rectify them and to be fair to VanDoc there has been absolutely no quibble about having the van back but after two attempts - the latter one being a bit of a bodge I decided to take the van to HiLo for them to put the install right.
They found 7 leaks in the sealing around the canvass of the roof. According to HiLo, the paint on the metalwork of the roof cassette should be ground off to provide a key for the sealer, this had not been done (maybe to save time?). The result was the paint coming away from the metal and water leaking underneath. There were also areas around the roof that had no sealer at all.
I too have had issues with the touch lights coming on on their own and one being so high up in the roof that you can't actually use it. They've now been removed along with the fugly, and IMO unsuitable for the job, piano hinge.
My roof was fitted just before @DaveyB. I was a victim of the poor management that Dean mentioned. My van sat outside their unit for a whole month, it didn't move and wasn't touched. Ultimately I think my installation was rushed. After driving over to VanDoc to see what was going on Dean was very apologetic and offered me the use of one off their vans and to carpet the metal work of my van FOC.
I don't think the work was carried out by Dean rather his employee's who perhaps don't have the same feeling for the company as the business owner. My install has been blighted with leaks. Dean has had the van back twice to rectify them and to be fair to VanDoc there has been absolutely no quibble about having the van back but after two attempts - the latter one being a bit of a bodge I decided to take the van to HiLo for them to put the install right.
They found 7 leaks in the sealing around the canvass of the roof. According to HiLo, the paint on the metalwork of the roof cassette should be ground off to provide a key for the sealer, this had not been done (maybe to save time?). The result was the paint coming away from the metal and water leaking underneath. There were also areas around the roof that had no sealer at all.
I too have had issues with the touch lights coming on on their own and one being so high up in the roof that you can't actually use it. They've now been removed along with the fugly, and IMO unsuitable for the job, piano hinge.
When I dropped the van to HiLo they noticed that I had a piece of Velcro stuck to the corners of the cassette at the front of the van. The lid/roof was rubbing on the cassette at both corners, it had worn through the plastic strip that's Sika'd around the outside edge of the cassette. HiLo told me that these corners should be ground off - we've ascertained from other posts since my van was done that they are not the most reliable people to deal with so I'm not sure how true this statement is.Also noticing on a previous thread, we see you have also raised some other points, these also cause us great concern, as we have never been informed of grinding off the cassette to make it fit (why would we need to?) it states that the wrong pop rivets were used to fit your roof, but we only use the pop rivets provided and have been from day one.
Sorry fella, it maybe my loss but you have still yet to get yourself an entry in my credibility book,
Whereas the owner, Dean, comes across as being dedicated, credible and perhaps unlucky. From his responses alone is now already in there.
Let’s hope that his business thrives on the quality of service he says that he can provide.
This Freddy Kruger owns two business in the Roofing and cladding industry, I have also had the same when it comes to employees taking the piss thinking they can get away with murder, I’m a fixer they say so you give them them a chance pay them big money and then you find out they are full of Shit and their work is not acceptable, you end up putting their work rite which costs you money.^ this all day long, @Dean@VanDoc comes across ok in this thread, I think most of us with our own business's have been shafted by rogue members of staff to one extent or the other.
Where as @Phil. Smith. M.i.o.R comes across as somebody suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect.![]()