RIB Rear Underseat Pull Out Kitchen 3/4 or 112cm size


New Member
Hey, so, my situation is that we have got a 112cm fixed RIB and side units in the van. But really want to make better use of the space under the rear folded section of the RIB. We use the top of this for bedding but I feel a pull out with a small kitchen type affair would be perfect as we would rather cook outside under the tailgate. I like the look of the Reimo Camping Box but this is full width. Does anyone know of any off the shelf options that would fit the bill that don’t cost a kidney?!

Or is DIY the way forward? If so and anyone has some inspiration in a similar scenario with ideas I’d love to see them.

Cheers all!
The Ply Guys are mint at building bespoke stuff mate, reasonable priced too. Last time I dealt with them, it was a free phone consultation before ordering