Rodent damage

Not a VW but in previous camper we had a serious mice problem. Tried repellent, tried ultrasound devices, sticky pads etc. Caught loads on the sticky pads but I'm afraid ultimately nothing worked. When I took off the internal panels they were nesting in the walls and had eaten through all of the insulation down the one side of the camper. The issue we faced was that the van was stored off-site and despite moving it, the rural (ish) location clearly had a field mouse problem. Dellmassive has a point with the camera to ascertain exactly what it is getting to your wiring. Then trying to deal with that outside of the van plus making the wiring harder to get at I guess. This fills me with dread when we get our camper back
Found this while I was changing a bulb today .Earth strap so no real damage , but suggestions how to prevent further damage please !

Not sure where / when it's happened.....
Not too keen on rat poison with pets etc + I stay alongside farm so don't think I'd ever get them all !
Could be mice ??
Is there not something to coat cables etc ?
Maybe time for a cat ....
Mice aren’t too bright, easy to catch. Rats are very smart and wary, part of the reason they use us humans to good effect.
If you set rat traps you probably won’t get quick results.
Wrap the exposed copper with electrical tape to stop it corroding.

Then try any reodent repelent spray.
I've used this stuff for commercial applications;

Not sure if VW insulation is plant based/tasty like the Japanese stuff etc;

Hi guys has anyone found a way of stopping this problem (apart from a shotgun)? My caravelle had an oil sensor light workshop, only 25% of power steering working and stop start playing up when I started this morning. After finding some small bits of cable on the driveway I looked underneath and found 3 cables chewed in half, with 10 wires inside ..
So may try to repair some myself, or go to the stealer and pay £700..the problem is how did you stop it happening again. I expect the blighters to try and eat my chickens over the allotment but the wires on my caravelle is a chew too far. Bring back fox hunting and culling in cities I say..
Maybe mint oil? (Sprayed over the area)

Or some other strong plant oil that will overcome the rubber loom scent.

A pest control er said rodents don't like mint scents.
Once I repaired mine and taped them up out of the way it stopped. I think something in the wires insulation attracts them, once it’s chewed off they won’t come back but my bet is if the main dealer repairs it with the same make of cable it will attract them again - in my case I suspect foxes.
Thanks guys. There are pages of reports of foxes chewing car / van wiring and even reports of brake lines.
Even the AA reporting on it increasing..I’m thinking more of wire from an electric fence attached to the car battery..chew that Basil..we need a fox cull..
Anyone know of a VW mesh cover for the main area?
Shaggy how did you stop them doing it again? I’m looking at chicken wire put underneath with cables ties..
I’m sure the Stealer will do it for £750 by fitting new cables. Glad to hear insurers will pay out but with a £350 excessis it worth the extra costs they will load me with next year (even though I have protected no claims they still put up the price in the first place for 5 years ) . How will I fill out insurance compare sites trying to explain foxes are my van
Hi after getting a younger slimmer man to get underneath and repair the 7 wires today ( hopefully waterproof only winter will tell) the oil sensor light has gone out and the power steering is working again. Yeh.... We have stretched strong chicken wire from the front engine cover to almost the 3 sensors on the exhaust using cable ties. It doesn’t look pretty but I don’t look much underneath and when it’s time for sale at the Stealers or we buy and crap .com, I shall remove it. Mind you assuming it lasts that long..I mean the wire and or the van...
I will have to explain what it’s all about at it’s next service...
I spoke too soon. I went for a quick drive to test everything and noticed the fuel gauge was on full, whereas it was 70 miles ish under full before the fox did his deed.
The computer says I have 420 miles left, wear as it was about 500 miles when I filled up.
Is there one wire from the tank for the computer and another for the gauge?
The van has been for several hours today jacked up from the front high whilst the cables were repaired. Plus the battery was disconnected while messing about splicing wires..
My thoughts are either a sticking float, or we missed a cut wire, or then system needs a reboot??
Please can anyone say where the wires from the tank run (under the vehicle or up through the floor?
Could the computer be remembering its last reading from the tank .?
I will drive it for 50 miles tomorrow and see if the computer changes and see if the gauge stays full or not. (Then get in an hour queue to fill up with more diesel )
Any advice would be appreciated if there is a logical explanation..
Can I tag on to this a bit late, but I've just spent almost £800 having adblue bits replaced due apparently to rodent damage.
I've invested in some repellant tape, but just need to know how to access the wiring. Any pictures would be a massive help