I've been recommended Scorpion Trackers by my conversion company. Home - Scorpion Track - Thatcham Approved Tracking and Fleet Management £450 plus £129 annually
Thanks, thats a great helphave a look here:
Beefing Up Your Vans Security - How I Done It -
Beefing Up your Vans Security - How I Done It - After recently having a BMW car stolen off the driveway at night, in full view of a cctv camera, Security was high on the agenda. The tealeafs had managed to cloan the key by grabbing the code from the air which gave them entry to the motor and...www.t6forum.com
Thanks, thats a great help
Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it!Hi welcome to the forum buddy.
We only got MetaTrak after trying several others. I've fitted them to both personal vehicles too and by far they're the best we can supply and fit various packages. The most common is the S5 with immobilisation and OEM alarm integration. Prices and info are on the website but feel free to call us.
The two I’ve tried are a- plan and brentacre, will try and couple more tomorrow and see what they say. Wasn’t sure if it’s down to value as it’s over 50k . I’ve never owned a vehicle in this price bracket before nor been asked to fit a tracker.As is commonly mentioned insurance is very specific to your circumstances, your best bet is to try a few of the popular companies in a recent thread:
Insurance popularity question
To find out the most popular / most used insurance companies people use for their campers please reply with just the name the company you use , thank you .www.t6forum.com