You have to go steady with the deet as it's carcinogenic.However, we didn't try DEET and some of the new things you can get at Cotswolds as they either they weren't invented in those days or we were to 'green' to use such products.
Looking back on it, I would have bathed in DDT if it meant we didn't get constantly nibbled on.
Apart from that, one of the most beautiful places on eaearth.
I've got a couple of cans of smidge on the van permanently.Before you change your mind completely, I did an experiment in the Peaks not so long ago.
Put Smidge on one half of my face, and nothing on the other.
The midges didn't like Smidge.
If you bathe in Smidge you might be ok if they are cousins of the ones on nc500
I believe a smart chap a while back came up with something that could have completely wiped out the midgies.
It was something that went in the water and stopped them hatching.
It was considered but ultimately binned.
Presumably for ecological reasons.
I for one wouldn’t have complained.
I had a suspected horsefly bite last summer and ended up in hospital overnight on intravenous antibiotics - my leg swelled up and turned a funny colour within a couple of hours and they were worried about sepsis.Not Scotland, but far far worse are the Mosquitoes, Horse Flies and Midges of Finland. My sister wouldn't use DEET, but used some stuff from Avon and The Body Shop, and ended up in hospital. Personally I put DEET on outer layers that don't come into contact with my skin, and take antihistamine for days before going and whilst I am there. Yes I get bitten, but the effects are lessened.