Scottish Midges

Smidge and Smidge head nets we carry all the time in Scotland, better looking at them than for them. We went mid April last year and was virtually none, and again in September when the was an occasional annoying days. We're heading up in mid may like you and I'm going prepared as suspect on still days near water it will be worse than we had last year
I’ve had several ticks over our years visiting Scotland (we typically go at Easter so midges aren’t a problem) despite using various repellents and tucking trousers into socks. Since finding Smidge I haven’t had any - seems good stuff.
I've been working up in Fort William for the last few weeks and a few people have suggested a citrus compound from the body shop. It's not an ultimate solution but the best that locals can recommend. By the way, they still get attacked by them, and they can't stand them!!!
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Flies and horseflies are a real problem when mountain biking - so often on a long, slow climb on a warm day where I'm drenched in sweat I'll have a literal cloud of flies buzzing around my head! And I can't ride fast enough to outrun them!
I can vouch for that. Grinding up Mont Ventoux a few years ago at 4mph, I didn't have the energy to fight them off eating my calfs. They knew I couldn't reach that low at that time. Genuine hell being eaten alive
I can vouch for that. Grinding up Mont Ventoux a few years ago at 4mph, I didn't have the energy to fight them off eating my calfs. They knew I couldn't reach that low at that time. Genuine hell being eaten alive
I understand that Zebra stripes can put off flies. Evidentially zebra are less affected. Perhaps zebra type cycling gear might help.
Smidge and Smidge head nets we carry all the time in Scotland, better looking at them than for them. We went mid April last year and was virtually none, and again in September when the was a occasional annoying days. We're heading up in mid may like you and I'm going prepared as suspect on still days near water it will be worse than we had last year
Another vote for smidge - we’ve even used it successfully as a mozzie repellent. One year on holiday abroad we met with a couple who were suffering badly with mosquito bites, we gave them some smidge to try and no new bites. It’s trial and error though as what works for one doesn’t necessarily work for another - some say Avon Skin so soft works with midges, it did nothing for me. Smidge definitely works for us and we visit the west coat of Scotland regularly in the summer.