If you mean is it ok to detail and add the HD wax on a vehicle on paintwork that's had a sealer applied, then yes providing you don't use harsh chemicals that might remove the sealers first.
The HD is only a protection, and won't effect what's already on the paint as a sealer, there's no abrasives in this product like you'd see in something like Super Resin, which is also a great product, but even the very fine abrasive action of Super Resin shouldn't really effect a good sealer.
Some people rate paint sealers, some think they are a waste of money. I can only judge things on what we do for a living, and in my industry they are almost crucial, but that's to prevent certain issues in the future that are very common, and I don't normally work with painted surfaces, only gelcoats, enamel coats, and powder coated finishes on the panels we work, apart from the odd high end Motorhomes that are sometimes fully painted the same way as a car, but that's rare and very expensive.
Sealers are only as good as the products and aftercare you use once they are applied, but none of them are maintenance free if you want them to last.