Slidepods products

They are going to be at busfest in a couple weeks, as will myself and a few other members
Having seen one in component form and completed units up close they seem extremely good quality well made units

I'm in exact agreement! I went some time ago to visit Slidepods, what a cracking bloke. I am basing my whole conversion around having one of his units in the back.
Well its taken a while but I have finally got round to joining the forum. Its great to see the enthusiasm for our products on here so I will try to keep updates of what we are up to appearing regularly. Currently we are working on a new lining package which includes some pretty amazing lighting effects which once finished I will upload for all to see.
Hi Jonny, glad to see you made it over, look forward to seeing some new pictures :thumbsup:
Looking forward to seeing the new pictures, really interested in getting one for my van hoping to catch up with you at one of the shows ;)
Paid a visit today too... very impressed with the pods, Jonny and the whole set-up. So impressed were we that on the journey home our Honda Accord started sulking so much its alternator blew, which meant an hour on the hard shoulder of the M5. And I was wearing shorts. Which slowed some of the traffic down. But not necessarily for the right reasons.

Anyhow, missus and I now firmly in the "I Want One" camp. Question is: will we agree on colours...?
