So the card itself was just scrubbed up by me with some baby wipes and dash cleaner. James did the infills with Black Leather on upper, GTI check on lower. The card and the leather on the infill look very close in colour even though its our old friend titan black on the card. Its a shame that I didn't put a picture up in their original state, its a real transformation.
The Trim Guru is in Bedworth, just north of Coventry. He did my seats and the work was really good, so tapped him up to do the infills. Contact him via their Facebook page, he's really helpful and its part of a much bigger trim business - so not just a guy with a sewing machine. I was an apprentice in Coventry, but live just North of Reading now, so its a bit of a home from home.
I've got to get the upper trims and the clips ordered now, been too busy at work to get to the dealers.