Surprise, surprise - 2 x Leaky sliders on my twin slider Kombi.
Replaced by VW dealer under warranty on 28 March. Collected van same day but the window fitter (National Windscreens or some other charlatan) had scratched paint around both windows, dented the door, scratched door at waist height, got black bonding/sealant all over paint work, broke 3 out of the 4 internal trims and sliced through my door seal. Clearly VW hadn't checked the workmanship!
VW dealer agreed to rectify it all but didn't know how to proceed. Weeks go by and they finally they agreed to take to local VW approved body shop.
Took van back to VW on 8 May and given a brand new Kombi courtesy van. Ironically body shop needed to take out the windows to repaint and put right the damage
. After further ridiculous communication failures by VW I went to the body shop myself to find out what was happening. They had only been asked to quote for a fraction of the actual work required/agreed
. Body shop were told to only do drivers side window scratches and none of the other dents/scratches/window - body shop found that drivers window had been so badly installed it virtually fell out
. Not only that the 'VW APPROVED' window fitter had deliberately blocked the window drain holes with bonding/sealant - DICK!
Blew my top at VW and in the end they told body shop to do everything including replacing both windows. Passenger side window was fitted as badly as the drivers side with drain holes deliberately blocked too!
Then all went quiet again, days passed and no updates whatsoever! Back to VW again - clueless! Lost count of how many times I've been told I'm getting my van back and it not turning up! Turns out the body shop is being shafted by VW and they've been backed into a corner. VW have also been arguing with window fitters who wont stump up costs for damage and refitting windows. Also, they wanted to refit the same windows, after picking out the sealant from the bunged up drain holes - WTF!!!
Me v VW again round 12 or something like that... Let rip at Business Manager/Head of Business or some such $hit! I think I'm banned (no great loss to be honest

). I told VW that I don't want the original window fitting company anywhere near my van and certainly wont accept the same windows. Body shop have also been supporting me and telling VW its not acceptable to do what they're trying get away with. Body shop wont release the bodged windows! 
So, 5 weeks to the day and I've still got their brand new van, now with 1200miles on it and no sign of my van being returned... yet. Last I heard from body shop is that the bill is £2500k and I'm not paying a penny of it. I've got over the stress and anger and now its just become laughable.
So, for those entering into a battle over leaky sliders, you've been warned!!!
Replaced by VW dealer under warranty on 28 March. Collected van same day but the window fitter (National Windscreens or some other charlatan) had scratched paint around both windows, dented the door, scratched door at waist height, got black bonding/sealant all over paint work, broke 3 out of the 4 internal trims and sliced through my door seal. Clearly VW hadn't checked the workmanship!
VW dealer agreed to rectify it all but didn't know how to proceed. Weeks go by and they finally they agreed to take to local VW approved body shop.
Took van back to VW on 8 May and given a brand new Kombi courtesy van. Ironically body shop needed to take out the windows to repaint and put right the damage

Blew my top at VW and in the end they told body shop to do everything including replacing both windows. Passenger side window was fitted as badly as the drivers side with drain holes deliberately blocked too!
Then all went quiet again, days passed and no updates whatsoever! Back to VW again - clueless! Lost count of how many times I've been told I'm getting my van back and it not turning up! Turns out the body shop is being shafted by VW and they've been backed into a corner. VW have also been arguing with window fitters who wont stump up costs for damage and refitting windows. Also, they wanted to refit the same windows, after picking out the sealant from the bunged up drain holes - WTF!!!
Me v VW again round 12 or something like that... Let rip at Business Manager/Head of Business or some such $hit! I think I'm banned (no great loss to be honest

So, 5 weeks to the day and I've still got their brand new van, now with 1200miles on it and no sign of my van being returned... yet. Last I heard from body shop is that the bill is £2500k and I'm not paying a penny of it. I've got over the stress and anger and now its just become laughable.
So, for those entering into a battle over leaky sliders, you've been warned!!!