Morning all,
I have noticed now that it's getting colder the van has a really slow crank when it starts. It does start and it does it as soon as it turns over but it is slow. Looking at my bm6 readings the voltage drops from about 12.3 to 11.9 which I thought wasn't that bad but I have no idea how old the battery is so do you think it may require a new battery or could it be something else?
I have noticed now that it's getting colder the van has a really slow crank when it starts. It does start and it does it as soon as it turns over but it is slow. Looking at my bm6 readings the voltage drops from about 12.3 to 11.9 which I thought wasn't that bad but I have no idea how old the battery is so do you think it may require a new battery or could it be something else?