Solar Panel no controller


VIP Member
T6 Pro
I'm slightly concerned that since having a solar panel and Lazer lamps fitted by a converter my van battery (main battery) has completely died twice in a very short space of time.

This is a brand new VW installed battery three months ago on a 21 plate van. The solar is connected to a three months old lithium leisure battery (fitted excellently by Absolut5 - they did not fit the solar or lazer lamps that are the issue)

A neighbour has taken a quick look and stated there is "no solar controller".

In your experience is a controller a given as part of the install?

Apologies I don't have great electrical knowledge (hence paying the convertor a huge sum of money).
Post some pics of what you can see.

Especially the batteries and surrounding bits.

You can get away with it with a very small trickle charge sized panel that sits on the dash and a lead acid battery but even then I wouldn't.
Thank you. Once back from work Ill get the seats off and triple check with photos what I do / don't have..will report back shortly. Really appreciate the help.
So if the solar panels were added to the CTEK then you do have a solar controller.

The CTEK is a combined DC-DC charger and MPPT charger.
However I wouldn't expect that setup to be doing anything other than charging your leisure battery.

If your main starter battery is going flat then the issue is there.

Can you take some pictures of your main battery, and any new wiring for the Lazer lamps and where it connects?
So if the solar panels were added to the CTEK then you do have a solar controller.

The CTEK is a combined DC-DC charger and MPPT charger.
Thank you! That's a worry off knowing that alone... Although shame I don't get an app type setup like I've seen on some would have been useful to learn!
View attachment 248077
Thanks does this show enough?
The good thing is that it shows there's nothing connected to the negative directly, which is a common mistake that can lead to battery issues.

So what you need to do now is to chase down why you seem to be loosing charge on your starter.

You have a 21 plate van, but you say the main battery was replaced 3 months ago by VW? That seems a little early for a battery to be replaced at 3 years, do you know why it was replaced?
The good thing is that it shows there's nothing connected to the negative directly, which is a common mistake that can lead to battery issues.

So what you need to do now is to chase down why you seem to be loosing charge on your starter.

You have a 21 plate van, but you say the main battery was replaced 3 months ago by VW? That seems a little early for a battery to be replaced at 3 years, do you know why it was replaced?
Good question... I bought the van a year ago, and the stop/start never worked + a few other oddities... I do low miles (21k total), was advised by a VW garage to replace to be sure. Stop start worked again.

However, I have just noticed, it's not working.

I've trickle charged for 24 hours to full, showing 12.9v-13.1v max (via Halo head unit)

However just plugged into Carista, showing 12.9v

Ran diagnostics, came up with a few errors always relating to low voltage
Your starter battery will only ever charge to 80% to leave headroom for regenerative charge from breaking. It’s not uncommon for it to sit at 12.3v
Your starter battery will only ever charge to 80% to leave headroom for regenerative charge from breaking. It’s not uncommon for it to sit at 12.3v
Thank you
I guess I'd need to get the start / stop well as the dying battery.

VW as you can imagine aren't overly helpful, I'll try another one
Thank you
I guess I'd need to get the start / stop well as the dying battery.

VW as you can imagine aren't overly helpful, I'll try another one
There are 1001 things that disable stop start, aircon, lights, climate fan speed etc, etc. It’s not a guaranteed thing that the engine will stop when the van stops.
Your best bet to get a clearer picture as to what might be going on is to fit a BM2 battery monitor, they're cheap and cheerful but logging the battery state continuously tends to show if something odd is going on.

I find that a lot of things are active in these vans after unlocking and opening a door. Footwell lights, dashboard and modules seem to kick into life, can hear humming and whirring of things as if the van is expecting me to start it any time soon. Not great when you're tinkering with the van or converting it. Plus using it as camper as well. It does all go to sleep eventually if the van isn't started.
You could always fit an Ablemail AMT12-2 which will use the leisure battery to keep the starter topped up. With solar keeping the leisure topped up it’s a fit and forget system that costs £65 and is really simple to fit next to the DC-DC. My starter battery is knackered but the AMT keeps it happily topped up at around 12.3v as shown below. I’ll need to replace it sometime but it’s putting that off for a good while yet. It’s brilliant when camping or tinkering as it will prevent an accidental flat from the lights and locks cycling all the time.
