1- yes thats fine going to the busbar (you should remove the fuse from the starter battery feed to shut down the dc-dc and also disconnect the PV POS from the MPPT side - that will switch off all power going to the LB and make there disconnected terminals safe (its always good practice to fully insulate any disconnected terminals anyway))
2- the MPPT is putting out power on the BATTERY terminals. when the sun is out (Disconnect the PV POS to shut it down) - that power is connected to the POS Busbar so feeding power into the leisure side of the system. - thats why the sockets are powered up.
The LOAD terminals on the MPPT can be used as a lov voltage cut off - if the 12v for the lights and sockets etc were taken from that terminal.
but are subject to the max throughput of the mppt (thats 15A for a 75/15 mppt)
but you haven't got them connected that way so not relevent in your setup.
there is also the possibility that the CTEK and Vic MPPT are detecting each others 12v output and assuming its the 12v from the LB 9which has been removed)
so if future if you need to remove the LB from under the seat . .
remove the main fused feeding the DC-DC at the starter battery and disconnect the PV POS from the MPPT - that will shut down all charging power going to the LB