Startline retrofitted MFSW not working

Maybe its the wheel .. buttons may function different .. you may need to do more searches on the forum as to someone who has installed a similar wheel as yours on T5.1 ... somebody must have done it and had similar problems.. be patient someone will post a reply.. in meantime trawl through ALL the MFSw threads.. you may find the answer .. you have done the hard work of the wheel change , repair wires and at the final hurdle of the coding .. diagram does show pin 17 at BCM for Euro 5 emission standard... maybe why you get ! When connected pin 36 15903267739041463858189.jpg
PM Evgeni to as his advice .. I think he runs T5.1 with cruise control emulator operated from MFSW .. he maybe able to help
Me getting a bit x wired with t6 euro 5 / t6 euro 6.. thinking T5.1 was 2016 euro 5 .. good luck with it
Do you have red button illumination or white? Do you have ACC buttons or normal cruise buttons?
On mine I got the exclamation symbol in the display as I had ACC buttons and had to change them to standard cruise buttons as at this stage I didn't want to faff around with getting ACC to work . IF this is all ok have you checked:
Have you turned on:
Word 09:
in subsystem MFL in Word 09 change Byte 0 HEX from B5FFFF to B4FFFF

Word 5F: Radio
In Odis or VCDS Select Adaption/parameter and scroll down to find:
Car_Function _List _CAN_Gen2 and set MFL to – Available
Then Set MFL MSG Bus to - Terminal 15 It will prob say KLAMP 15

Or PM your email and I could send you a PDF step by step guide but it is water marked and encrypted to try to stop people taking the mick.
Just finishing something off and I will send you a PDF of fitting instructions.
Ha, OK, thought you were trying to do it on multi function wheel, so my instructions are no good.
I did cruise retrofit on the stalk on my last four vans so let me finish off and will look into it.
Not a problem as you can do it either way.
Also there are more wires to fit when fitting the stalk, did you use a retrofit kit loom?
It won’t work at all if you follow the MFSW wiring diagram.
There is a separate diagram for when fitting a stalk.
I really should read posts more carefully, all I could see was MFSW not working and missed you mentioned the stalk in the first post.
Did you do a scan prior to the coding changes, that way you can set everything back to standard. I take it the wheel was already fitted from the factory, you fitted the loom kit and now the wheel stopped working.
I think the title put everyone on the wrong track, sorry.
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@Flyingspanner no the van is a startline which didn’t have cruise so i fitted this a few months ago which is fine and then i have just purchased a mfsw which i wired but cannot get it to func properly
The ok button on the rhs of the wheel will turn the volume down.
In the long coding for the BCM 09 (J519), at the end of the long code does is show 00?
Ok, to get the LIN bus to work on pin 36 this needs to be changed to 40
Open the coding section and select long coding helper, highlight byte 29 and change the 00 to 40 then hit the X to close the long coding helper, this will then populate the lower long coding box, then select Do It and wait for it to refresh and see how you get on.