@Graeme_B good to hear you have a delivery date, we had some issues with our local pallet delivery company and I was working away at the time but managed to get it all sorted on the 3rd attempt!
Really impressed with the kit and have been meaning to/will write a build write-up on here. Currently the two parts are sat inside our house ready to go in the van, I had a few small jobs to do around the kitchen such as final cable pulling before I can install it so now just trying to find the time to get the units in....
Last weekend we took down the headlining, removed our insulation/sound-deadening in 4 places and then bonded some wooden blocks to the van roof to act as foundations for the overhead locker and light shelf.
I will get some info and pictures up later today
We are booked in with our local fitter for the SmartBed in 8-10 weeks
but I am keeping on their case as I have only had verbal confirmation over the phone so far and would feel more comfortable with a date in the diary and an accompanying email