Stop start not working after being at dealership


T6 Pro
Ok so there are a lot of threads about stop start and I have seen lots of information but I am hoping some of you much more technical people can point me down the route of the correct thread.

The van is a Motability vehicle and so I cannot go poking around to look for things and also I think if I did get down there I wouldn’t be able to get back up again :slow rofl:so thought I would tell you what has happened in the hope that you can guide me.

The van recently went into the dealership, it was working perfectly, for its first MOT, an auto gearbox fluid change and also brake fluid change. The car passed MOT with no issues at all. Anyway when we picked the van up the stop start was no longer working. We called the dealership and it was another 2 weeks before the could get it in. They have said they tested the battery and the alternator and they passed fine and they can’t see anything wrong as it worked fine for them in a test drive.

Ok so we picked it up and on the way home the start stop is not working again. We have tried turning everything off as we drive, have set the air on at the normal 21C (after reading some posts) then turned it off, turned the auto lights off, turned the radio off and even unplugged the phone so that wasn’t charging. Now call me a conspiracy theorist but for it to work perfectly for 3 years and then for them to be working around the engine whilst doing the gearbox fluid change and it not to work seems to ring alarm bells.

What do you clever techs people think they might have damaged or left unplugged when doing the fluid change? It is odd they claim it works when they do a test drive but when we drive it normally (same way we have for the last 40k) it just refuses to work and we get that annoying A in a circle on the dash.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of that.
Ok so there are a lot of threads about stop start and I have seen lots of information but I am hoping some of you much more technical people can point me down the route of the correct thread.

The van is a Motability vehicle and so I cannot go poking around to look for things and also I think if I did get down there I wouldn’t be able to get back up again :slow rofl:so thought I would tell you what has happened in the hope that you can guide me.

The van recently went into the dealership, it was working perfectly, for its first MOT, an auto gearbox fluid change and also brake fluid change. The car passed MOT with no issues at all. Anyway when we picked the van up the stop start was no longer working. We called the dealership and it was another 2 weeks before the could get it in. They have said they tested the battery and the alternator and they passed fine and they can’t see anything wrong as it worked fine for them in a test drive.

Ok so we picked it up and on the way home the start stop is not working again. We have tried turning everything off as we drive, have set the air on at the normal 21C (after reading some posts) then turned it off, turned the auto lights off, turned the radio off and even unplugged the phone so that wasn’t charging. Now call me a conspiracy theorist but for it to work perfectly for 3 years and then for them to be working around the engine whilst doing the gearbox fluid change and it not to work seems to ring alarm bells.

What do you clever techs people think they might have damaged or left unplugged when doing the fluid change? It is odd they claim it works when they do a test drive but when we drive it normally (same way we have for the last 40k) it just refuses to work and we get that annoying A in a circle on the dash.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of that.
Makes one wonder if some update or other has taken place that might have a few glitches. Sound like dealers problem.
Ok so there are a lot of threads about stop start and I have seen lots of information but I am hoping some of you much more technical people can point me down the route of the correct thread.

The van is a Motability vehicle and so I cannot go poking around to look for things and also I think if I did get down there I wouldn’t be able to get back up again :slow rofl:so thought I would tell you what has happened in the hope that you can guide me.

The van recently went into the dealership, it was working perfectly, for its first MOT, an auto gearbox fluid change and also brake fluid change. The car passed MOT with no issues at all. Anyway when we picked the van up the stop start was no longer working. We called the dealership and it was another 2 weeks before the could get it in. They have said they tested the battery and the alternator and they passed fine and they can’t see anything wrong as it worked fine for them in a test drive.

Ok so we picked it up and on the way home the start stop is not working again. We have tried turning everything off as we drive, have set the air on at the normal 21C (after reading some posts) then turned it off, turned the auto lights off, turned the radio off and even unplugged the phone so that wasn’t charging. Now call me a conspiracy theorist but for it to work perfectly for 3 years and then for them to be working around the engine whilst doing the gearbox fluid change and it not to work seems to ring alarm bells.

What do you clever techs people think they might have damaged or left unplugged when doing the fluid change? It is odd they claim it works when they do a test drive but when we drive it normally (same way we have for the last 40k) it just refuses to work and we get that annoying A in a circle on the dash.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of that.
It could be that the battery is low from being in the dealers with the doors open. Stick a battery charger on it overnight or take it for a good run & see what happens.
After the first time it was in and we picked it up on a Friday, we went on the motorway twice, about 3 hours each time. After we picked it up this Friday we took the car for another good run, motorway speeds for just over an hour to make sure and we still have the same issue. This time was very boring as we didn’t even have the radio on to ensure we were draining nothing.
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Just get the plug in harness for the switch and have done with it all together no error on dash no wear on your engine
Doubt they'd even notice. If it's leased surely they will sort the bill then
They sort the bill yes or VW will as it’s still under warranty (well for a few more weeks at least) but it’s more a case of ensuring we understand and learn from you knowledgable folks what is happening as the dealer always seems to be either clueless or fobbing a us off. When we rang to initially book it in on the phone the lad from service actually asked. “…how do you know your stop start isn’t working…” 🙄 That doesn’t leave you with much confidence does it really. When we took it in the same service guy got in and asked where the stop start button was.

Anyway we have sent an email today with videos showing it not working. Getting info from you all though is clearly going to be invaluable with this level of cluelessness :slow rofl:
I wonder if it is not detecting your foot on the brake. Does the brake feel different after the brake fluid change.?
Maybe try pushing the brake pedal harder when stopped to see if that activates the stop/start
I wonder if it is not detecting your foot on the brake. Does the brake feel different after the brake fluid change.?
Maybe try pushing the brake pedal harder when stopped to see if that activates the stop/start
My also switches off if I put DSG into Park whilst stopped.
I wonder if it is not detecting your foot on the brake. Does the brake feel different after the brake fluid change.?
Maybe try pushing the brake pedal harder when stopped to see if that activates the stop/start
The brakes do feel different, softer to press and not hard and as reassuring as beforehand under the foot. I had wondered about the fluid change and in one of the videos sent to the dealership we have explained we are pressing hard on the pedal. Any harder and there would be a hole in the floor lol.
I wouldn’t bother if it’s a motability lease vehicle.
Start stop is best turned off-saves you a job each time you get in.
I never understand why people have such an issue with it. You will freak out even more now after that last statement when I tell you we also own an electric car.
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I never understand why people have such an issue with it. You will freak out even more now after that last statement when I tell you we also own an electric car.
No probs with electric cars. The problem is cutting the engine when the turbo may have just been working hard so may get oil starvation, and constant restarting of an engine which causes wear. I'm not against green tech but these short term emissions reduction technologies take no account of the emissions created in prematurely replacing components and engines. You're just pushing the problem down the line and the financial cost of this is passed to us, the vehicle owner.
The car was left in drive whilst stopped in traffic or at traffic lights.
Hi @BRABUS . Apologies for not explaining fully what I meant.

Watching F1 on catchup!

Just curious to know if start-stop would still operate if/when you put it into Park?

Might help with diagnosing if fluid change and now softer pedal has contributed towards issue?