Shell don't even own a refinery in the UK - they buy their fuel just like the supermarkets ..!
This thing about supermarket fuel being somehow inferior is just a urban myth - all fuels comply with the same standards.
It all gets pumped out from the same tanks, its just the colour of the delivery tanker thats different !!!
Theirs only 6 refinery's in the UK-
Essar Stanlow Refinery
ExxonMobil Refinery Fawley
PetroIneos Grangemouth Refinery
Phillips 66 Humber Refinery
Total Lindsey Oil Refinery
Valero Pembroke Refinery
No matter where you filled up , the fuel came from one of the above ( although we do import some mainly from Russia) and the process is continuous - you can't make a batch for asda one day and a different one for tesco the next. Even the premium diesel is still 95% standard fuel with additives added after.
Anyone living in the south is more than likely filling up with fuel from Fawley, no matter where you filled up- 11 million gallons of petrol, diesel produced every day.
This thing about supermarket fuel being somehow inferior is just a urban myth - all fuels comply with the same standards.
It all gets pumped out from the same tanks, its just the colour of the delivery tanker thats different !!!
Theirs only 6 refinery's in the UK-
Essar Stanlow Refinery
ExxonMobil Refinery Fawley
PetroIneos Grangemouth Refinery
Phillips 66 Humber Refinery
Total Lindsey Oil Refinery
Valero Pembroke Refinery
No matter where you filled up , the fuel came from one of the above ( although we do import some mainly from Russia) and the process is continuous - you can't make a batch for asda one day and a different one for tesco the next. Even the premium diesel is still 95% standard fuel with additives added after.
Anyone living in the south is more than likely filling up with fuel from Fawley, no matter where you filled up- 11 million gallons of petrol, diesel produced every day.