It has been a long time that someone took interest in this post but just in case someone could still use it:
I got it working in my T6.1
At the Startstop button connector:
Brown on Brown (GND)
Blue on Green/Yellow (Signal)
The red wire i had to connect elsewhere. I could not find a wire that was suitable for this at the start stop button.
I took out the Wireless charger module underneath and took a white wire that got 12V on ignition.
!! There are 2 wires at the startstop button that recieve 12 on ignition, but whenever you use these it will not work correctly.
Everything works now.
Link to youtube with video of working module
View attachment 153169
Hi, i got it working.
brown on brown
blue on green/yellow
Red on "12V on ignition", i connected it elsewhere in the car. because the wires at the startstop button did not work.