Im not sure how you would get T6 lights to work on that, thats not what any of the wiring i make is for
I have been told by someone who has done it before and working on his T5/t6 facelift van to follow the wire diagrams on here from 10pin to 14pin but ignore the range control module pins and BCM as that isn't used on the older models Thanks again
I have been told by someone who has done it before and working on his T5/t6 facelift van to follow the wire diagrams on here from 10pin to 14pin but ignore the range control module pins and BCM as that isn't used on the older models Thanks again
On the old t5, you will not be able to activate the parking lights mode (the cilia shine dimly), there will always be a DRL mode (the cilia are bright)
I believe I just need a set of 10-14pin looms in this configuration ignoring pins 1-4 and pin 14 & 10 on the 14 plug is this something you could give me a price on @Pauly


Anyone have a simple way to test the LED units before installation? Just to verify all the ballasts and led units are working?
Hello everyone, thanks again for everything and I managed to connect the LED lights with your help and the forum. Everything works for me, the only problem is that the automatic lights don't work, when it's dark, they don't switch to regular lights. Thanks for the help. Peter
The most important thing is steel parts
They work on my van
for 9 months
The hardest part was to find the 6R0 907 357