Hi Fish, not as yet, still very much a newbie on here, unaware of all it has to offer. I will look when I get some free time. Thanks.Have you checked the download section,might be a document on there you can use?.
Hi LittleFish, that is all music to my ears. I took all the numbers from the 17 pin plug last night. I have 12 wires from the TG and only 7 on the van side. I am sure the info is out there somewhere ;-)Wait.......
I've done the same thing. I've swapped my barn doors to a tailgate and I'll be completing the wiring this weekend. I've worked out the pinning data on the 17pin plug and I'll do a write up afterwards. I guess you don't have a working lock either at the moment.
My PV doors didn't have a wiper or window so I need to add that wiring in. I've ordered a heater control panel which has the extra switch for the heated glass but it's yet to arrive. I'm yet to look at the wiper except work out which pin does what on the tailgate loom.
I'm hoping someone (@Pauly ) will post a wiring diagram showing where the heated rear window is wired into.
I'll start again ... hi Littleblackflash ;-)WHo's littleFish
Here's the pinning for the 17pin plug going to the tailgate. My Tailgate if from a caravelle with heated screen and a wiper.
1 - Empty
2 - Switch illumination (not sure where this connects to yet. It will be just ambient lighting)
3 - Rear Wiper (Not sure where this connects to yet)
4 - Rear Wiper (Not sure where this connects to yet)
5 - Empty
6 - Rear Wiper (Not sure where this connects to yet)
7 - Grey/blue* Number plate lights
8 - Black/red* Brake light
9 - Brown/blue * Door contact switch T73a/30
10 brown/black*door light switch T73a/31
11 - Empty
12 - Empty
13 - Green latch trigger T73a/23
14 - Brown/yellow lock motor T73a/10
15 - Brown earth* D-Pillar Earth point.
*existing wires in the barn door PV
Pine 16 and 17 are large cables, and hence I assume they are for the heated screen.
All the wires on my tailgate are white too. The wires have numbers on them, but I'm not sure what they represent. It's good to see your empty pins are the same as mine.
The colours I've listed are the colours on the van loom.
There are 4 wires on the barn door latch and 2 on the tailgate, so out of the 7 wires on the van loom, only 5 are used on the tailgate.
Gave it a wiggle and all ok now. cheers buddy.My bad. I didn't read your first post fully. It should be a case of just plugging in the new tailgate to get everything working except the wiper/screen heater.
The light is switched on my a sensor in the latch. If you connect pin 10 to earth, the light should go on. It may just be a case of adjusting the striker.