Team Chestnut Brown

A thing of beauty there. Totally different colourings.
Dave's Dad, you are a genius. The van is now called Terry (best ask the wife if it's ok)! With your permission also, great idea.
Dave's Dad, you are a genius. The van is now called Terry (best ask the wife if it's ok)! With your permission also, great idea.
Your van is christened Terry. May all who travel in her be safe and well at all times, may the road ahead be free of potholes and the roads behind be paved with your smiles :D.
Loving the badges did you do this yourself? I was thinking the same colour scheme but not sure how much to do in orange.
Saw a grey van with an orange rear spoiler this morning which looked pretty good.
Hi MrParsnips, my thoughts with orange are that understatement is the key. Just a few highlights or accents is the difference between gaudy and classy looks. If you are not sure, try some orange vinyl, but you do not want large blocks of colour. The orange backed VWbadge is about as large as looks classy and not gaudy. Restrained appeal.
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Hi MrParsnips, my thoughts with orange are that understatement is the key. Just a few highlights or accents is the difference between gaudy and classy looks. If you are not sure, try some orange vinyl, but you do not want large blocks of colour. The orange backed VWbadge is about as large as looks classy and not gaudy. Restrained appeal.

That's what I was thinking. I do like a bit of flare though! Booking it in for the roof today. Did a quick photoshop (on my phone) and orange won.
I Like them all to be honest.
View attachment 7307 View attachment 7308

That's what I was thinking. I do like a bit of flare though! Booking it in for the roof today. Did a quick photoshop (on my phone) and orange won.
I Like them all to be honest.
The orange canvas of the roof will not look OTT in the environment in which it will be seen. I have to say that in terms of vehicle accents I also like @MadPol's "old gold" accents, like the old JPS but with chestnut brown as the major colour.