Team Reflex Silver

If the wheel face isn’t protruding from the tyre or the rim of the wheel, you can get a straight edge of some description across the wheel up towards the arch. Then measure the distance from the straight edge to the arch edge and use that number to determine how much further out you want to push the wheels.
I think that’s what I did, I used a spirit level but I can’t remember whether I took the measurement from the wheel centre, rim or tyre edge. The question is though how far should they come out to look good before it’s too far?
I think that’s what I did, I used a spirit level but I can’t remember whether I took the measurement from the wheel centre, rim or tyre edge. The question is though how far should they come out to look good before it’s too far?
In my eyes, as far out as you can get them without causing them to catch on that outer arch, just leave a few mm space from the edge of the tyre/rim (whichever sticks out more) at the top.
The popular solution is 21 mm ( or 25 mm ) front and 25 mm rear , we keep it over 20 mm so we can use adaptors not spacers , Safer and easier to replace tyres after a blow out
Team Silver - inaugural post!

Had the T32 Shuttle for a few months now and been thinking about where to start. This thread has been a great source of ideas!

Decided to start with ride height and wheels (I accept not very original!). Really grateful to @CRS Performance for the advice on suspension and providing the Koni shocks and H&R springs. Steve recommended a 40mm drop with the shocks for family comfort and the advice was spot on! Has totally transformed the ride! Posted overnight and easily fitted by local garage last week.

Then took off 17” Devonports and put on 20” HSTs in Smoked Chrome over the weekend. Really pleased with the results.

Now to plan what comes next!

Well done yes the stance is spot on , looks great and comfortable as a result . Still our biggest seller by Far and as long as the factory keep up with the supplies it will continue to be that way . ,