Turbo replacement gone bad :(


T6 Pro
Some of you may remember my po299 underboost woes, well, we finally got to the point of Proving the underboost and diagnosed the turbo Not quite making enough boost….,
I’ve had to wait to save up some cash to continue with the turbo repair, but I’m on with it now.

So turbo off for a recon or service at midland turbos…..
All was going well until the exhaust manifold studs decided they wanted to cause me some grief……
4 out of 8 snapped.
2out of them 4 came out without a struggle, but the last two put up a fight.
I tried every type of stud extractor available and eventually got one out but the last one, top right, sheared off flush.
I centre punched it and tried to drill it out to use an easy out type stud extractor but the drilled hole is slightly off centre and I just daren’t try any harder pressure on winding out the easy out as I’m sure the easy out is about to snap…..and that would Be very bad.

Im now in a world of shit, and can only see removal Of the head as the sensible

I’ve got the stud drilled out to 5mm….i can’t go any bigger as the hole I’ve drilled is off centre and will eat into the alloy head.

For a 5 year old van them studs were baked in solid…,

Feel Like crying
Sorry to hear that. I can tell by the tone of your post things are not great.
Sending good thoughts (sorry I am no mechanic so read these threads with only 3 months ownership).
If you have been able to get in with a drill I expect you could get in with a mig torch? Get a steel M8 nut and place it on the stud. Fill the hole with weld. (Weld the stud to the nut) The heat will help it come out and you can get a spanner on it.

Other options is to try your easy out but warm the stud with a plumbers blow lamp but if you snap the easy out then it’s really is a nightmare.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Keep us updated.
I did think of this, but the holes in the manifold are a little bigger that the 8mm stud, infact they are quite big, one is even elongated. All
Looks factory and not like anyone has done that…. But yeah just little to be gained from using the manifold as a guide.

I think welding a bit on is the answer but I don’t have a Welder.. I’ve looked on eBay, fb market place but can’t find a cheap one…..

I think if I could just get my hands on one incould
Have a chance at recovering this…..

The easy out did gig in and lock up solid but I fear making things worse if it snaps so I backed it out….

I guess ill have to save up for a mug welder now

Thanks for your advice guys, it’s appreciated
Yes, I’m the same, 3 months into ownership, what I had planned on spending on converting my van has been swallowed up in trying to fix the bloody thing.
The turbo going is bad enough but to then just hit worst case scenario at every turn is just a kick in the teeth…
I’m not a mechanic but I’m ok with instruction and ok with a spanner, but this, I’m stuck.
I’ll need to save some more cash and buy a mig welder to solve this one.
Cant even take it to a garage cos the turbo, manifold is now off the van….
Thanks for moral support though, it helps
Remember to disconnect the battery (batteries) if your welding I think just the negative side I’m sure someone else on here will be able to confirm
My first thought was to try and weld a slightly smaller bolt end on.?

But it does sound like you are in a pickle.

Have you tried calling and asking the mobile snapped glow plug guys?... They have various techniques and experience at getting snapped stuff out of heads.
Well you could use a collar washer to take up the slack. Or as you have said the holes are so big you could helicoil but only as a last resort. But I would try as above said try welding a nut on and heat up the base with a hot air gun .
Some of you may remember my po299 underboost woes, well, we finally got to the point of Proving the underboost and diagnosed the turbo Not quite making enough boost….,
I’ve had to wait to save up some cash to continue with the turbo repair, but I’m on with it now.

So turbo off for a recon or service at midland turbos…..
All was going well until the exhaust manifold studs decided they wanted to cause me some grief……
4 out of 8 snapped.
2out of them 4 came out without a struggle, but the last two put up a fight.
I tried every type of stud extractor available and eventually got one out but the last one, top right, sheared off flush.
I centre punched it and tried to drill it out to use an easy out type stud extractor but the drilled hole is slightly off centre and I just daren’t try any harder pressure on winding out the easy out as I’m sure the easy out is about to snap…..and that would Be very bad.

Im now in a world of shit, and can only see removal Of the head as the sensible

I’ve got the stud drilled out to 5mm….i can’t go any bigger as the hole I’ve drilled is off centre and will eat into the alloy head.

For a 5 year old van them studs were baked in solid…,

Feel Like crying
If you have a 5mm hole you could tap that with a LH thread M6 tap.
Then use a LH threaded bolt same length as tapped hole depth (high tensile 12.9) anticlockwise. Similar action to stud extractor but maybe more robust. Add heat to stud area prior to attempting extract.
Good luck.
Ok, so I’ve looked on local pages, can’t find a cheap mig welder, but will keep looking….

I’ve done a fix which I think works…..

I had drilled the centre out to m5.
I then cut an m6 thread into it .
I took one of the studs and filed half down to m6 and cut a thread, making a stud which is m6 one end and m8 the other.

It’s gone in straight and solid.
I know it’s not ideal, but there are 7 other manifold nuts so it should Be ok.

I’ve tried the old Gasket back on and it fits fine.

The only thing is, I didn’t realise, there is another snapped stud at the opposite end.

Ill Keep looking for a mig welder. :(
Hi PhillH

Well…… the turbo is back on, and I’ve just test drove it….

The snapped stud situation went from bad to worse.
It managed to drill out the stud to 5.5mm, and with hind sight I should have just continued working up the bit size to 6.5mm and then tapped a new thread.
Instead, I’m made the stupid stupid idiot mistake of putting my faith in an easy out stud extractor.
My plan was to just give a gentle tweak to see if there was at least any movement , I had no plan to apply any kind of “heft” to it.
And as you might well guess, the bloody thing snapped.
I was really surprised and just how little amount of torque it took to make that happen.
I could Have cried.
I really did thjnk the only solution now would be a new head or at least the head removing and a time sert installing.

After some research I gathered that a high speed dremel and a grinding burr was the best approach to trying to remove he extractor …
If anyone should find them selves in this predicament I can confirm that it does work, and the burr makes short work of the hardened steel.

Having done it backwards and in a mirror, it wasn’t pretty but the bitter hole
Stayed within the timesheet looking insert that the thread sits within. I managed to wind an 8mm stud in tight. The stud to my amazement held tight and was almost straight too.

I put the old gasket on the studs and it fitted.
And so, with 7 studs ok and one just a little “funky” i refitted the turbo.
It’s on, they’re all tightened up ok, and I don’t seem to have any issues.

THE PO299 fault has GONE!

What I do have however is a slight leak between the turbo and the cat at the v band clamp.
I struggled really hard to get this to close up but after slackening the cat mounting bracket I got it on…. But I thinking it’s blowing here.
I will be trying to reseat it again tomorrow….

Any tips to get this right are welcomed.

New turbo seems to have a slight whistle, is that normal ?
Hi PhillH

Well…… the turbo is back on, and I’ve just test drove it….

The snapped stud situation went from bad to worse.
It managed to drill out the stud to 5.5mm, and with hind sight I should have just continued working up the bit size to 6.5mm and then tapped a new thread.
Instead, I’m made the stupid stupid idiot mistake of putting my faith in an easy out stud extractor.
My plan was to just give a gentle tweak to see if there was at least any movement , I had no plan to apply any kind of “heft” to it.
And as you might well guess, the bloody thing snapped.
I was really surprised and just how little amount of torque it took to make that happen.
I could Have cried.
I really did thjnk the only solution now would be a new head or at least the head removing and a time sert installing.

After some research I gathered that a high speed dremel and a grinding burr was the best approach to trying to remove he extractor …
If anyone should find them selves in this predicament I can confirm that it does work, and the burr makes short work of the hardened steel.

Having done it backwards and in a mirror, it wasn’t pretty but the bitter hole
Stayed within the timesheet looking insert that the thread sits within. I managed to wind an 8mm stud in tight. The stud to my amazement held tight and was almost straight too.

I put the old gasket on the studs and it fitted.
And so, with 7 studs ok and one just a little “funky” i refitted the turbo.
It’s on, they’re all tightened up ok, and I don’t seem to have any issues.

THE PO299 fault has GONE!

What I do have however is a slight leak between the turbo and the cat at the v band clamp.
I struggled really hard to get this to close up but after slackening the cat mounting bracket I got it on…. But I thinking it’s blowing here.
I will be trying to reseat it again tomorrow….

Any tips to get this right are welcomed.

New turbo seems to have a slight whistle, is that normal ?
This is fantastic news, well done for sticking with it despite the issues you faced.

Regarding the V band clamp, you may just have to keep nipping it up over time. They are a nightmare and it sounds like your tried the best way by releasing the cat mounting bracket. Maybe give it a wiggle and try again.

Regarding the whistle, I had a 2.0 tdi A4 that had a whistle when I bought it but it never gave me any issues. Could also be coming from you V band clamp if it is passing.

Thanks for the update
Thanks, it is a new clamp , it came in the fitting kit I bought…

I’ll get under the van again at the weekend and have another try.

I struggle with it as it just about out of reach and my left arm doesn’t work very well, has little to no strength at all.
I’ll give it a go