TVS DSG remap.

Hi guys, I have T6 Multivan 2.0BiTDI (204hp). All I need and want is probably TVS drivability upgrade to polish a bit the horrible software for VW DQ500 DSG :/ What I want from it is:
1. remove "latency" while starting van from 0. Between accelerator pedal push and van rolling is horrible "lag", I read that this will fix that
2. strange clutch noise on 2nd/3rd gear
3. not to change D into S
The rest is +/- quite good, so I would like to keep it as is. The bit higher rpms are ok to me too.

Could you confirm that it will work +/- like described above? Could anyone tell from time perspective if there are any disadvantages of doing that

Bognor Motors TVS + REVO remap

Have a read of these posts.... I have an 18 Plate 204 4 motion. The best money I spent on my van was the Remap on the DSG box... @BognorMotors
Hi all…….Had my van (204 T32 ) done with the TVS ( Drivability map) a while back …still loving it….But I’ve got a Q to ask…..

I tow a small trailer using D but I’ve read that you can use S mode for trailers ..Which is better and why

Thanks in advance :)
It can labour the engine using D mode so using S raises the RPM. However, if you have the TVS map, S no longer works with ACC engaged so will instead labour the engine in D.

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