TVS DSG remap.

Hi guys, I have T6 Multivan 2.0BiTDI (204hp). All I need and want is probably TVS drivability upgrade to polish a bit the horrible software for VW DQ500 DSG :/ What I want from it is:
1. remove "latency" while starting van from 0. Between accelerator pedal push and van rolling is horrible "lag", I read that this will fix that
2. strange clutch noise on 2nd/3rd gear
3. not to change D into S
The rest is +/- quite good, so I would like to keep it as is. The bit higher rpms are ok to me too.

Could you confirm that it will work +/- like described above? Could anyone tell from time perspective if there are any disadvantages of doing that

Bognor Motors TVS + REVO remap

Have a read of these posts.... I have an 18 Plate 204 4 motion. The best money I spent on my van was the Remap on the DSG box... @BognorMotors
Hi all…….Had my van (204 T32 ) done with the TVS ( Drivability map) a while back …still loving it….But I’ve got a Q to ask…..

I tow a small trailer using D but I’ve read that you can use S mode for trailers ..Which is better and why

Thanks in advance :)
It can labour the engine using D mode so using S raises the RPM. However, if you have the TVS map, S no longer works with ACC engaged so will instead labour the engine in D.

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Ok, I did it yesterday - have TVS drivability :cool: For now I see changes definitely, but review will be after time. Nice thing is (I didn't knew this before and couldn't find also on forum) there is 1yr "maintenance time" during which I can ask for changes/adaptation (i.e. gear shift change too soon/late, etc) and they will do this "for free".
Ok, I did it yesterday - have TVS drivability :cool: For now I see changes definitely, but review will be after time. Nice thing is (I didn't knew this before and couldn't find also on forum) there is 1yr "maintenance time" during which I can ask for changes/adaptation (i.e. gear shift change too soon/late, etc) and they will do this "for free".
Is this if you go to TVS direct?

Bognor motors do not do this, if you don't like it it you are stuck with it as I found out. It was an expensive mistake.

Is this if you go to TVS direct?

Bognor motors do not do this, if you don't like it it you are stuck with it as I found out. It was an expensive mistake.

TBH I don't know. The guys at ECUProject knows some guys at TVS directly from what I know. But I think it's general politics at TVS. From what I know support is quite well and on their site they have support where you can read two interesting parts:

So I would recommend to contact with them. In corner case - they claim will revert software and refund...