Tyre Warning light with Duchy wheels how do I fix


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T6 Pro
Hi all

Need a hand - the TPS light comes on which I believe is because of the wheels not being standard. They are banded duchy 18 wheels. A reset doesn’t last either. How do I get the problem solved correctly am I right in understanding it’s to do with the ABS sensor on the brakes or something?
If the reset doesn't last then it points to a problem, either with the tyre losing pressure due to a puncture or a leak in the banded wheel itself, or with the ABS sensor, or the wiring for that sensor, because yes, it's the ABS sensor that is used to inform you of a loss of pressure. I assume you have checked the pressure isn't actually going down each time the light comes back on?
ABS sensors measure the speed of rotation of each of the wheels. The tyre pressure warning is triggered when one of the wheels average rotation changes over time from the reference you set indicating the tyre has changed size.

If it's a sensor issue you'd expect also to get issues with any other system that needs wheel speed measurement such as ABS, traction control, AWD.
Assuming your wheels aren't fitted with pressure sensors, are all the tyre treads on each axle roughly the same? I've seen people fit only one new tyre and once the vehicle gets up to the higher speeds, it triggers the light due to picking up the difference in diameter between new and worn tyre
Assuming your wheels aren't fitted with pressure sensors, are all the tyre treads on each axle roughly the same? I've seen people fit only one new tyre and once the vehicle gets up to the higher speeds, it triggers the light due to picking up the difference in diameter between new and worn tyre
Tyre treads look to be the same mostly perhaps slightly more tread on one on the front but minimal difference although we did fit that tyre on the front newer than the others - how do I sort that?

ABS sensors measure the speed of rotation of each of the wheels. The tyre pressure warning is triggered when one of the wheels average rotation changes over time from the reference you set indicating the tyre has changed size.

If it's a sensor issue you'd expect also to get issues with any other system that needs wheel speed measurement such as ABS, traction control, AWD.
No other lights flagging up or obvious ABS/traction control issues etc
get the van on a scan tool.. . .

you may have a wheel ABS sensor that needs replacing.

or a Slow leak in one of the wheels.

easy to test though. - use a tyre pressure gauge and check all tyres every few days to see if one is dropping. ( if not the look at ABS sensor)

and come join Team Banded Brothers :

Tyre treads look to be the same mostly perhaps slightly more tread on one on the front but minimal difference although we did fit that tyre on the front newer than the others - how do I sort that?

No other lights flagging up or obvious ABS/traction control issues etc
Your tread depth difference would need to be obviously different. A new tyre versus one with say 3MM.

I'd expect abs and traction faults if it had an abs sensor fault. Assuming treads are reasonably equal and tyre pressures correct and you reset the system, then all should work.

Treads only need to be equalish on the same axle, so front could both have 2mm and rears have 7mm. The system would still function correctly. Likewise with the tyre pressures, they should match across the axle, not front to rear. And really important the tpms gets reset after the pressures are done