Underslung LPG tanks

Hello @Fish!

I was about to book to have the LPG tanks fitted and they are telling me I cannot have it fitting if lowered less than 40mm.. I am running B14's.. Yours looks lower than 40mm.



I was going to ask this exact question, re. ground clearance etc. Looking at the pics in the replies it looks fine.
With having b14's I suppose you could raise yours up temporarily if you had too then lower it again once they've fitted the kit.

Planning on underslung installation on a swb for myself, was going to go the diy route.

The pics on this - are you guys lwb vans? Possible on swb?

I'm also thinking of putting a water tank under there somewhere so that it will free up space in the van, don't want one to hinder the other though, especially with it being a swb....
You need 200mm to get them to fit the kit. Can always lower after.

I have 160mm eek need to raise them B14’s!
I was going to ask this exact question, re. ground clearance etc. Looking at the pics in the replies it looks fine.
With having b14's I suppose you could raise yours up temporarily if you had too then lower it again once they've fitted the kit.

Planning on underslung installation on a swb for myself, was going to go the diy route.

The pics on this - are you guys lwb vans? Possible on swb?

I'm also thinking of putting a water tank under there somewhere so that it will free up space in the van, don't want one to hinder the other though, especially with it being a swb....
If you do go down this route, then either have your water tank fitted prior to having the Propex installed, take the tank with you, or make it very clear to the Propex installer where your water tank will be mounted.
Otherwise they may install the gas piping in the way of your planned tank-location (they’ve run piping down the middle of the offside cill area, which prohibits me placing a 27L CAK tank there).
If you do go down this route, then either have your water tank fitted prior to having the Propex installed, take the tank with you, or make it very clear to the Propex installer where your water tank will be mounted.
Otherwise they may install the gas piping in the way of your planned tank-location (they’ve run piping down the middle of the offside cill area, which prohibits me placing a 27L CAK tank there).

Excellent, great advice thanks.
Is that the standard mounting location for a CAK tank for t6 or a universal tank that you were planning to fit?
Excellent, great advice thanks.
Is that the standard mounting location for a CAK tank for t6 or a universal tank that you were planning to fit?
It seems that underslung tanks either fit in the spare wheel well, the offside cill where the sliding door would be, the space underneath the drivers’ door step (they’re normally joined on to the cill tank to give a bigger overall tank) or down the centre beside the exhaust.
Well I can see a day off having to be booked for a trip back to Ringwood to see Propex. Definitely something wrong with my gas system. Put 10 lt in it this morning to ensure we had plenty for the weekend. Turn on the solenoid and the gauge reads empty, and there is quite a smell of gas from the underside of the van at the same time. Proper fooked off considering we are now away until Monday so no heating. Fortunately I brought the other camping stove and butane bottle otherwise we’d be screwed for food.
oh no.. sorry to hear you are having some problems.. Not a fitting that and be nipped up?

I'm off to propex this month for a tank to be fitted!! Fingers crossed.
Well I can see a day off having to be booked for a trip back to Ringwood to see Propex. Definitely something wrong with my gas system. Put 10 lt in it this morning to ensure we had plenty for the weekend. Turn on the solenoid and the gauge reads empty, and there is quite a smell of gas from the underside of the van at the same time. Proper fooked off considering we are now away until Monday so no heating. Fortunately I brought the other camping stove and butane bottle otherwise we’d be screwed for food.
Reminds me of the time when I had a gas main laid on to a house to a meter - next day someone said that they could smell gas! It turned out that the connection to the meter was only done up a couple of turns by hand. Ever since then I have checked any tradesman's work - if you can't trust a utility company with something as dangerous as that who can you trust?
oh no.. sorry to hear you are having some problems.. Not a fitting that and be nipped up?

I'm off to propex this month for a tank to be fitted!! Fingers crossed.
Cheers. Goodness only knows where the problem is, but I can’t get under the van to even look. On a very undulating site, and the van sits very low. There is no gas smell until the system is armed. But then I equally wonder if I have a gauge fault as well since there is no way I can have lost 10lt of gas, i’d be in a pool of it! Got to have it fixed ASAP as we are away in it again in a fortnight. My best hope is that they can fit me in on the 13th as that will be the only day I can get off work.
Reminds me of the time when I had a gas main laid on to a house to a meter - next day someone said that they could smell gas! It turned out that the connection to the meter was only done up a couple of turns by hand. Ever since then I have checked any tradesman's work - if you can't trust a utility company with something as dangerous as that who can you trust?
It’s been installed for about a year, so goodness knows what has happened, because I haven’t ground out or anything.
Put 10 lt in it this morning to ensure we had plenty for the weekend. Turn on the solenoid and the gauge reads empty, and there is quite a smell of gas from the underside of the van

We also had a gas leak in the Propex system under our van, substantially noticed at the New Year meet! I traced it to an elbow near the underslung tank. Fixed by our converter, but we had the inconvenience of having to visit them.
Managed to get an opportunity to get under the van this evening armed with a bottle of gas leak detector spray. Armed the system and found a significant leak on the tank side of the pressure reduced. Tightened it up, but can still smell gas under the van. Have sprayed all the joints but can’t find any other leaks! :mad:
Going to have to phone Propex in the morning to see if one of their distributors could inspect and pressure test, as I really can’t get down to Ringwood very easily.
The other weird thing is that having shown as empty all weekend despite having put 10lt in it on Saturday morning, it now reads full! Gawd only knows what is going on. Reckon the gremlins are well and truly in it.
And to top it all off it would also appear that I have broken the LED fascia of my Victron battery monitor.:mad::mad:.
Getting close to getting it sorted then.. Fingers crossed you get it fixed soon. I know how frustrating these things are!

I purchased a Cadac Carri Chef 2 ready for my LPG tank being fitted soon.. What else do I need for the connection or can propex can help with this?
Saw this on Instagram earlier - LPG filler neck beside the diesel filler (only good for us EU5 owners)

View attachment 38593

My LPG filler is in the same location, feeding an 85l toroidal tank in place of the spare wheel. But then, that powers my TSi engine. I wonder if it would be possible to tap a feed from that tank for domestic purposes...?
Not that I want that in my van, but for any other TSi owners out there.
LPG filler.jpg LPG filler in use.jpg
I was going to investigate this but since I am having a BBQ at rear it seems best to fill from the rear as well.

Any decent apps for LPG filling locations?
Getting close to getting it sorted then.. Fingers crossed you get it fixed soon. I know how frustrating these things are!

I purchased a Cadac Carri Chef 2 ready for my LPG tank being fitted soon.. What else do I need for the connection or can propex can help with this?
Cadac quick connectors would be my recommendation.