Thank you very much for the input.Yes Paul, this is how I (we - my mate) understand it, hence why I wanted it changed. More so for the Speedo but it does affect other parameters although TBF not by a massive amount. (Someone I’m sure will work it out) but we are talking a gradual discrepancy over the lifetime of the van.
He’s based in Andover, Hampshire. I’m seeing him later this week so I’ll ask for some more details regards Operating System’Program required blah blah. (it’s equivalent to Main Dealer I do know that much). Re: a charge, I’m sure he’d do it for very little. (And he’s an VW nut!!) After all it’s such a quick job. If I get details I’ll post as any Service Outlet with the right program (main dealer, diagnostic specialist etc) should be able to access it. I’ll also ask him if he knows if VCDS had the capability to change it too. (It’s not like he’s managed to crack the enigma code or anything like that, or he’s being secretive, it’s just he knows his way round the systems).
The main reason he first looked for me, when I chatted about the issues people were having with VCDS and changing the wheel variant only to find they couldn’t change it back, (which he was aware of as it alters the main ‘operating system’ if you like, (best analogy I can give) was he knows it’s common practice on the continent (in some countries) to change the wheels and sizes for harsh winter conditions then change back in the summer (Thinking France, Switzerland etc) so he said ‘you must be able to alter it like for like, I’ll just have to find it’. Hey presto, 5 minutes later he’s got it.
Will post with update in due course.
I found this on the RossTech forums about park steer assist, so suggests the menu might be visible to vcds.
Parking assist module coding
Hi all im trying to code a new/used parking assist module. How do i code this in also which coding would i need. Any help would be great many thanks This scan is for the old module Wednesday,04,November,2020,19:01:00:41193 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64 VCDS...
Maybe one of the more savvy members could help? @mmi @Robert @Pauly @dnoermann ?
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