Van is all shiny again

Nothing wrong in that, we spend our money wisely, had mine 2 weeks before it went in for refrigeration, but managed to put 3 coats of zymol destiny on her before she left :thumbsup:
I felt guilty that I hadn't cleaned mine since the 10th August and even longer for the inside so she was certainly ready so I cleared the diary for the afternoon and gave her a right good seeing too and I think she is happy now with a sparkle in her mirror.
When I was changing the wheels couldn't get over how big the front calipers were to be honest yeah the standard silver don't do it for me, yeah did see that they can be painted metallic colours.
They certainly fill our 17" rims well.
But our shopping hatch has bigger brakes and beefier calipers.
I noticed how tiny the brakes on many motorhomes are when away; yet they weigh loads. Must take half a county to stop them?!

Our brakes completely saved is from a smash in Galicia.