VW Dealer did the dirty on me....

Although, my limited knowledge does see an issue in that you’ve told them that you don’t want it and you will have your £500 refunded. I think that’s the end of the contract and a new contract would have to be entered into.
There’s no obligation to enter into a new contract on the same terms as a previously voided one.
Law of contract is very complicated. It’s about 30 years since I studied it-and I was confused then.
Although, my limited knowledge does see an issue in that you’ve told them that you don’t want it and you will have your £500 refunded. I think that’s the end of the contract and a new contract would have to be entered into.
There’s no obligation to enter into a new contract on the same terms as a previously voided one.
Law of contract is very complicated. It’s about 30 years since I studied it-and I was confused then.
Basically, never buy from a salesman called Wayne, unless its a piano or guitar... or air rifle...
Just to fast track things for ease: two wrongs don’t make a right!

When they took your deposit…you had them - a contract had been entered into. Offer, consideration and acceptance had taken place! (Just put that in to jog @Bigsidavies memory!)

When they wriggled on the “offer” post contract, you still had them under the original contract (as it had been accepted.) That’s the first wrong!

However, when you agreed to a deposit return, all bets are off. That’s the second wrong! Contract has been mutually negated, even though it doesn’t “feel” mutual. There’s no law governing feelings!

A change of mind or a snotagram email doesn’t change that fact unless some numpty salesman puts a foot wrong.

A sale now will be a new contract with a refreshed offer (aka refreshed price!)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news…! As a matter of interest, Marshalls were bought out from family ownership by the private equity brigade. Worse, the family didn’t even let their CEO know that they were in talks with the PE crowd. So, long story short, Marshall’s have plenty of sharp pencil types to rinse you! Collect your £500 and walk away.
I studied commercial law, based on Sir Gordon Borrie’s book many years ago!
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I know Daksh Gupta and can't say I'm terribly upset he got shafted.
A wideboy done good! He came out of it ok though. All bonuses paid out regardless of target achievement and 12 months gardening leave! (I did smile to myself that they made him do the garden for the full 12 months!) I think he’s joined a DIY or builders chain now
Long time since I studied contract law but if you offer the asking price and they accept and you specifically confirm that that is the full price then the contract has been entered into by both parties. ie offer and acceptance. Any mistake on their part (eg forgetting that it was subject to vat) becomes their problem.
You can find all the legal technicalities under the sun, as can they!
But the bottom line is they are not going to write a cheque for the lions share of 4 grand and post it the the treasury.
They can simply withdraw the vehicle claiming it had developed a fault.

The VAT has clearly been claimed back on at least one occasion, and the first new keeper not VAT registered picks up the tab, not the dealer.

I have had commercials since 1987, and only ever avoided VAT on one, a 305 diesel van.
It's always bummed me out, even more so now they cost over 40 grand.
What a bummer - but I have to agree with the "let it drop" sentiments - life is too short to get involved beyond stiffly worded letters.

A cautionary ( but somewhat extreme ) tale of someone who got a bee in his bonnet involves this guy, James Duff, who blamed all and sundry for his woes, to the extent of at least three times attempting to sue a Chief constable. Courts got so fed up that they put him on the "vexatious litigant" list.

If you are interested..
A wideboy done good!
He's a prat. I've told him to his face (well, as close to his face as someone a foot taller than him could manage) and would cheerfully tell him again. Fortunately we don't live near him any more so I likely won't get the chance. Cheers me up no end to see how out of shape and jowly he's become.
I've bought my last 3 new vans from Wayne at loughton.... He's a nice guy.

I've always had a good deal up with him.. free Matt's, tank of fuel etc etc etc.

He been there for ever.

But at the end of the day he's a sales guy......and there make the company money and his commission.

His sales manager will pull the deal from his hands.... So you might need to escalate to either then branch sales manager.....or go to the UK commercial manager for Group1 to see this through.(I think Loughton is group1 now?.... It used to be Jardenes on my 1st van, then changed to Lancaster and now Group1)

Tweek the master tech still works there.... He fitted my new engine in my T5.1 when they blew it up doing a service... Lol.
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