Welcome new members


Just joined the forum as we’re soon to get a Cali Ocean and have started to accumulate various camping bits n bobs. Looks like there’s lots of helpful advise and info here.

Martin :waving:
Welcome @18ME ! Looking forward to those all important pictures! I, for one, will have difficulty sleeping until we see your new baby!
Hi all just joined but I’ve had a T6 since December 2017 T6 highline T32 150 dsg kombi done 220k miles in it had a few big problems over the mileage but still love it, it been upgraded inside by exploria in Brighouse near Leeds.
Just started using a bit more oil than it should ?
Regards John.


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Hola soy propietario de una VW California Beach T6.1.
Un saludo
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Hello, I have just bought a T6 van and stumbled across the site, I’m sure I will be on a lot as I can’t seam to leave anything standard
Cheers jimmy
Hi Jimmy,
Good to make your acquaintance!
Any thoughts/plans/debt ceilings on what looks like a good 'blank canvas'?
Welcome to the world of the moneypit!
Hl thought I better finally say Hello not been joined that long but if all goes to plan i should have my T6 by Thursday next week ....I'm sure will have lots of questions in the future.....

Hl thought I better finally say Hello not been joined that long but if all goes to plan i should have my T6 by Thursday next week ....I'm sure will have lots of questions in the future.....

Welcome to our merry 'lot', good to have you.
We look forward to photographic proof of ownership @kamperman69 !