What are you drinking tonight?

And finally, the posh restaurant for our Anniversary meal had Rebellion IPA on draught.


This is not your new fangled triple hopped American citrus cobblers, but a proper IPA like Courage and Worthington used to make.

Had some of their bottles from the local Waitrose as well, all very tasty.
And finally, the posh restaurant for our Anniversary meal had Rebellion IPA on draught.

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This is not your new fangled triple hopped American citrus cobblers, but a proper IPA like Courage and Worthington used to make.

Had some of their bottles from the local Waitrose as well, all very tasty.
Is that the ivy? Do they serve proper beer?
Been looking forward to posting on this thread. Had a planned surgery 18th February and following usual medical advice to avoid alcohol before an operation with the chance of a short notice cancellation, had a wee dram or 3 on Hogmanay and nothing since. Back home and off the heavy duty pain meds, after 59 dry days (not that I was counting) this afternoon going to enjoy a favourite beer or 2.IMG_0381.jpeg
Later on Mrs Vanderlust is going to cook my birthday dinner postponed from January, water buffalo fillet steak with all the trimmings. Accompanied by the last bottle of 2014 Brunello di Montalcino we brought back from Montalcino in 2019. Had one at Christmas and it was superb.IMG_0383.jpeg

Have not decided. I do not drink as frequently as I may have done. Use to go to the pub but many are closed these days so occasionally drive out some where perhaps in Good Beer Guide or somewhere else pleasant and decide who is to be the sober one. I do enjoy good draught bitter and am a member of CAMRA. Covid Brexit and Governments have not helped the plight of pubs which in rural and remote areas are very important on community mental health, fostering friendships and understanding.

May have a whiskey and ginger with ice but now a tipple may make me a bit sleepy as not so quite used to it. Any way cheers your round! :laugh:
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Have not decided. I do not drink as frequently as I may have done. Use to go to the pub but many are closed these days so occasionally drive out some where perhaps in Good Beer Guide or somewhere else pleasant and decide who is to be the sober one. I do enjoy good draught bitter and am a member of CAMRA. Covid Brexit and Governments have not helped the plight of pubs which in rural and remote areas are very important on community mental health, fostering friendships and understanding.

May have a whiskey and ginger with ice but now a tipple may make me a bit sleepy as not so quite used to it. Any way cheers your round! :laugh:

I'm the same, the days of having a skinful and waking up at 6.00AM raring for a hard day's work are long gone, these days I'm very happy to go to the pub and have a quiet tomorrow! (6.30AM, dogs don't understand hangovers!)
Like you I live in a very rural area. The pub is so important in rural life, many men my age rely on it.
Plenty of people only care about the local pub when it shuts and knocks 20K off the value of their house. If you value it, support it, as you do as best you can in your circumstances.
I liked to have a good and quality conversation a bit of humour. A chat with the landlord about the beers and what might be coming in next, making a suggestion about good beers and so on. Its always pleasant if any friends or family attend. Never like to get drunk as in stupefied just merry will do. Perhaps play some pool. people watching can be amusing too. Must be an age the last time had any of that, now it is only occasionally to a distant pub. I decided it is not healthy to drink constantly at home say one or two tumblers so just stopped. I only missed it for a few days when perhaps someone may have suggested one but after that I can take or leave it and can go weeks or days in between. I remember beer at 1 shilling and 10 pence a pint in Wales and thought it a bit much when draught Guinness went up over 3 shillings a pint, I think 2 shillings and 6 pence was the cheapest I remember draught Guinness. I am shocked when I go and buy one now or here what others may be paying for it, ridiculous. :rolleyes::(
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The Crack Liverpool pub well used by students written on the bog wall, amongst graffiti along with other intelligent comments

" If you think that the bottom has fallen out of your World, Drink Real Ale and let the World fall out of your bottom"
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The Crack Liverpool pub well used by students written on the bog wall, amongst graffiti along with other intelligent comments

" If you think that the bottom has fallen out of your World, Drink Real Ale and let the World fall out of your bottom"
I read that in the later 1970's so have no idea if it still exists. It was only one of many many very witty comments covering a multitude of topics but that one always stood out and made me laugh out. Their was non of the usual crudity just for the sake of it ut plenty of thought provoking comments and ditties. They where there uncovered for a number of years but perhaps some entity has painted over them by now which must be about 50 years on. I really wished that I had a camera to take images. It was a very good pub back then also with good real ale too.

Another pub that had noticeable graffiti was The Tickell Arms Wittlesford Duxford Cambridge CB22 4NZ

Pub & Restaurant in Whittlesford | The Tickell Arms

Have not been their for forty years or so but it used to have graffiti on some of the low ceiling written by pissed excited 2nd world war fighter pilots with candle smoke and such. It used to be run by a very strange older monocle wearing Gentleman who had a preference for young men who always appeared to be working in the bar. He seamed not, to like Ladies very much or Lefty Denim Jean wearers, a small scribbled note on the door which was hardly readable banned jeans and his monocle would drop out of his eye in destain as he would ask shocked new attendees in an overly Posh Voice "I say can not you read!" they would pause shocked and continue in and then attempt to order a round, when the rotund Posh monocled Landlord would repeat his theatrical comments "I say can you not read" and order them out to read the scribbled note. In they would return only to be abruptly ordered out "We do not serve Jean wearing lefties in here. You can go else where if you do not now how to dress plenty of other establishment for the likes of you"

One may wonder why we ever returned but it was so entertaining, so far as people watching was concerned very , very posh old English but very very rude too and this guy could have come strait out of the theatre! Fantastic food great real ales then and always lit only with candles which reflected off the old gloss painted uneven walls and with piped classical music set against an open largish wood fire. In fact the later sometimes appeared to have half a tree draped along the floor into the furnace and he would send someone, a young man to pish it further in. It was really odd toilet is often or was a little problem for Ladies often or not in various pubs they might wait and go to the loos in pairs, it was usually the way of things back then. Well many a Lady in the Tickle Arms could be seen wondering around but an observer would realise that they where on a quest to find the Ladies. Monocle man, in his best theatrical Posh loud projected theatrical voice " You will find the Ladies or Little girls room over their" The whole inn would turn their necks and watch the poor sole still unable to find the target. "Over their, behind the curtain" It was really shocking we would wonder how often his monocle might drop out during an evening. He often appeared to pick on someone. In all my year I have never seen anything like it. It was like being in a filmset.

I should imagine that he passed away some time ago but I wonder if the graffiti might still be their or that of his ghost! Duxford Aerodrome and Imperial War Museum is very close and very well worth a visit and the pub should be a good retreat also but probably less entertaining!
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