Got up on Saturday, opened the curtains, and saw this:
Yes, that's my passenger side rear brake light lens on top of my van.
Looking around, I see this next door, and a similar one on my driveway, but by the pavement:
That is a (heavy) roll of biodegradeable food caddy bags, as provided by the council.
The only explanation is that they are driving down the road, chucking them at the houses, like an american paper boy. It has hit the brake light at exactly the right angle, broken the tabs, and knocked it up onto the roof.
So, what to do? I can't do a simple light replacement, as I have vanshades on the barn doors, which cover up the second screw like this:
So, new LHS brake light from TransporterHQ. I removed the lens cover to try and use it as a replacement. Not easy, trying to lever the red hooks over the tabs without breaking them was very difficult, best not done in the cold. Here it is separated, and with the broken one:
It slots in no problem!
Oh, it slots out again.
In, out. Damn.
Trouble is, in order to separate the lens, the tabs have been slightly bent away from centre, and now they won't click over the hooky bits on the light housing. Bugger.
So anyway, I have superglued it in place; glue on the lens tabs which seems to have gripped onto the light housing. It seems as tight on the door as the other one, so we will see how it does. No picture, 'cos it is dark and it looks just like a brake light.
Anyway, if anyone needs a LHS barn door third-brake light with broken lens cover, I have one going spare!