What TV adverts really annoy you ?

What's the advert with the folks with the long blue floppy arms? I can't remember what it's for, so obviously hasn't suckered me in.
I’ve seen it and haven’t a scooby what it is advertising. A Smurf-positive employment initiative?!!
American adverts that sell a potion to combat some rash but then have small print telling you it may cause heart problems, the shits, dizziness, breathing difficulties and genital warts.
That British Gas advert where the (carefully selected) gas engineer constantly twiddles the radiator valve. WTF is he doing?
You can tell he's not working on price only!
How on earth has this thread gone a full 4 pages deep without the "Go Compare" adverts?
Any advert with the mixture of same sex, race, colour, creed, nationality, religion...all mixed up in the same bed. Why do these advertiser's need to over emphasise they are so PC???
I was going to write the same, but read through the thread to see if anyone else had got in first.

They are hardly representative of reality. I don't even know any black or gay people.
Unlike @dubber36, I know, employ and generally mix with a pretty diverse bunch of folk and I find it very insulting that businesses pick up on diversity and spin things for the sake of marketing.

For example- It is common to see same sex couples in public, or somebody in their workplace with a disability. My issue is that this isn't the most common and therefore can't be classed as...... erm.....normal.

(I have done everything I can with my limited vocabulary to avoid the word "Normal"! I and wish to completely avoid entering into the "What is normal" debate!)

Look at TV adverts from Virgin or Cupra who are so keen to push what they have decided society has decided is the new "normal"!

I detest media bods attempting to push sensitive and contentious topics in order for them to be perceived as more acceptant of a diverse world that their competitors!

My view is that diversity is something that bothers very few people and why should it? However, when you watch the TV you'd think that being disabled, homosexual, transgender was "normal".

Now..... Will somebody please give me a better word that "normal"?
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Unlike @dubber36, I know, employ and generally mix with a pretty diverse bunch of folk and I find it very insulting that businesses pick up on diversity and spin things fit the sake of marketing.

For example- It is common to see same sex couples in public, or somebody in their workplace with a disability. My issue is that this isn't the most common and therefore can't be classed as...... erm.....normal.

(I have done everything I can with my limited vocabulary to avoid the word "Normal"! I and wish to completely avoid entering into the "What is normal" debate!)

Look at TV adverts from Virgin or Cupra who are so keen to push what they have decided society has decided is the new "normal"!

I detest media bods attempting to push sensitive and contentious topics in order for them to be perceived as more acceptant of a diverse world that their competitors!

My view is that diversity is something that bothers very few people and why should it? However, when you watch the TV you'd think that being disabled, homosexual, transgender was "normal".

Now..... Will somebody please give me a better word that "normal"?
There’s a scene from Ricky Gervais’s Extras, with Keith Chegwin, that describes how “normal” things are!
I think our definition of "normal" has changed massively. What my kids (ok, young adults) see as their normal is different to mine.

We shouldn't ignore the fact that those diverse groups are big sales targets for advertisers, as are the non-diverse groups who want to see more diversity.

I don't get wound up by adverts that portray diversity, but I bloody hate the latest We Buy Any Car adverts just for the sheer stupidity of them.
