Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

I went to the local tip. About 2 miles. It was getting more important as I had dead badger in a polythene sack to dispose of. I named him 'Stinking Bob' (after the plant Herb Robert). Exiting lives we all live!
Not been to bracelands for aaaages .
Got absolutely soaked walking back from the pub last time :rolleyes: .
Woke up in the night to the sound of 'stuff' moving around outside the van , put my torch out the window and dozens of deer eyes lit up all around us , scared the bejezus out of me for a minute . :eek:
Just to reinforce the notion that I have a foot-fetish, why are there 4 boots showing in the sheep shearer picture? :confused:

I did consider that the sheep may be wearing 2 of the boots on its rear legs, but a Welsh friend of mine assured me that the sheep's rear legs are usually wedged-in to the shearer's own boots... something about stopping the sheep from escaping. :whistle:
Further to my Post #10,815 and just to show that it's not always sunny here in Greece, it rained on and off for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon but cleared by about 1800hrs. This morning, we had a slow start and hit the beach at around 1200, no sooner had we had a refreshing dip and fresh water shower to rinse off the salt than it started rain again and hasn't really stopped since. I don't know who might have peed off the Thunder Gods today but there must have been mighty peed off indeed as the the show of their wrath this afternoon has been very impressive and with a few of the larger claps, the van actually seemed to move slightly! The forecast is for the rain to stop by about 1800hrs and I hope it does as I think there's plate of Octopus with my name on in a taverna down in the town. All this rain is even weirder as just before we left for the beach, I had an emergency SMS from the Greek civil defence people with 'dangerous temperature alert'. Rain.jpg
Just to reinforce the notion that I have a foot-fetish, why are there 4 boots showing in the sheep shearer picture? :confused:

I did consider that the sheep may be wearing 2 of the boots on its rear legs, but a Welsh friend of mine assured me that the sheep's rear legs are usually wedged-in to the shearer's own boots... something about stopping the sheep from escaping. :whistle:
Do you mean the big bags of wool?

And I thought the technique was to take them to the edge of a cliff, then they push back... Wait, that might be something else the Welsh do... :oops: :rofl:
Do you mean the big bags of wool?
Ahh, is that what they are? Thought they were something akin to Ugg boots.
And I thought the technique was to take them to the edge of a cliff, then they push back... Wait, that might be something else the Welsh do...
I guess they have to be inventive if there aren't any cliffs in the vicinity.