@mommabear - absolutely, respectful discussion/debate.
Loch Lomond had bylaws to restrict camping introduced over 4 years ago - it's not a new problem. The issue was certainly worse last year, but think of all those extra folks who discovered camping and the countryside, without causing problems and will now be on the 'right side' of this.
Living in the Lakes I see it every weekend/sunny day. 'Fly campers' were out in Buttermere a few weeks ago and when approached by the farmer, they spat at him. I know the guy in charge of the Police response up here and he's seen all sorts. We've got temporary 'pop-up' campsites being sanctioned up here this summer. Guy I know is considering opening one, thinking he can run it while also working Mon-Fri. I fear carnage.
I just think avoiding generalisations is wise - not everyone who goes to Benidorm is like this, clearly, just as not every music festival goer trashes camping gear and then dumps it, off their tits on whatever. If I'm honest, I think your joke about tarmac flashed up a red light. I respect your right to say it, and perhaps I've misunderstood the association you're trying to make, but it didn't 'sit right'. Most may disagree with me here, and isn't that a strength of this place, that we can give opinions.
I think my concerns come from being tarred/tainted by the behaviour of a few people who are like me in some way: I'm a cyclist, therefore I run down old ladies, scare horses, jump red lights and drop litter everywhere.
Maybe we should be trying to organise and help to tackle the problem - like you did with your Herefordshire campsite clear up? The T6 Forum stickers could become a badge to guarantee to campsites that those in the van know how to go about things properly.
Well done Alba Campers for their guide/code, but they seem to be in a minority. The industry that sells the 'camper lifestyle' should be doing more to educate and encourage responsible use.
Understand and respect your points entirely...
The trouble with satire, and making caricatures of real life situations, is that invariably, some people dont get it - When you're being satirical, you're sort of making a silly, over inflated, comedic picture out of something that generally people have all witnessed or experienced and can relate to- hence some people think its funny, some dont.
No not everyone who goes to Benidorm is how I described in the blog...but again... the BBC did make a whole comedy series about Benidorm satiring the stereotype, I just kind of went for that angle... I did a season cleaning chalets in Benidorm when I first left school, ....aaannndd i'll be honest, 99% of the people I met were the stereotype....nice people.. but still, I've not just pulled it out of thin air.
Also as a former motorway maintenance worker and a tarmac layer when I was a kid, I feel over qualified to make jokes about what I used to do... I had plenty of satire levelled at me by friends and family over my job, who cares, all in good fun, and I made a mint doing all their drives ha ha, I think I know where you were going with your 'red flag' .... but you've also got to be careful you dont suggest that tarmackers are of a certain creed of people, we aren't... .and as a dear old friend of mine, who happens to be from the travelling community always says, theres good and bad among everyone....
As always, there are always two sides, luckily the T6 Forum crowd generally are grownup people who know I wouldn't have been a turd about anyone in real life, and just enjoy the blogs, its just nice to have a chuckle about things rather than rant about them - and im actually quite pleased that a conversation has been lit up, I generally had not idea people were so passionate about wild camping etc, I've literally had people tell me they would drive over my garden, thats their right as human beings etc..... seriously?
i like to write about things that effect everyday people, and its fun to do it in a humorous way.
No harm intended, but you cant please everyone, and I feel sad I have to explain satire to people. The times we live in....
But, like many Campers, I will never back down on my point about the shit bags...or... 'fly campers' (cool phrase by the way, actually makes the point perfectly) In my opinion they are the scum of the earth, there's no amount of reasoning with them and im happy to insult them. Being as Mother Nature cant speak, ill speak for her when I tell them to 'GET OFF myyyy Laaaanndd !" (sorry... had to throw that one in)... you know what I mean.
Like the idea of a badge though - maybe they could make a special edition one that gets introduced to UK campsites, sort of a symbol/guarantee of decent conduct. Who do we approach about that do you reckon? Actually, I've got an idea..........