The seat covers are slippery and move about and the steering wheel and seat won’t adjust enough for me to get comfortable.

And I’ve just received a phone call to say my van is ready for collection.
“OK, thanks. That was quick, the windscreen and all the other work finished?”
“The overdue service and oil change has been done. What other work?”
“The warranty work that was stated on the booking e-mail you sent me. That is why the van was booked in with you, for you to carry out the approved warranty work...”
I’m sorry Mr Bennett, there is no warranty work authorised on your job sheet. Just the service and oil change.”
“OK, is it possible to speak with the Service or Commercial Vehicle Manager please?”
“I’m sorry Mr Bennett, there are no Managers in at present. Would you like to book in for the warranty work?
Can I also ask you to bring your payment card with you when you collect your vehicle as there’s a £19.95 charge for the courtesy vehicle.”