????? Work van ????? more like show van That's immaculate
????? Work van ????? more like show van That's immaculate
WVW. All the day job tech projects are on hold. The ones we could complete are all done.
Inspired by @Bodyboarder81 and his work, I've been clearing a part of my garden I've never ever been to. One of the loads of roots, trunks etc..
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Fun with pulling out massive roots with a mahoosive winch and a couple of snatchblocks....
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Timberwolf on hire tomorrow to get through the rest...![]()
that’s some good going with a winch to get that holly root up !!
awesome work,This is my racking that me and my dad carried out this weekend. The 4” holes are in it to make it lighter. There are 66 total what a difference it made. Led strip is wired to interior light to will come on and off with that. Boxes are from a site call Auer ( Plastic storage and transport products | AUER Packaging ) It’s there toolbox pro versions. The ‘feet’ on the boxes are routered out so they sit in there perfectly. Any more info or pictures wanted let me know!!View attachment 75958View attachment 75959
I have only just seen this message sorry. I will take a load of pictures today and post them up.awesome work,
can you post some more pics pls . . .
nighttime so we can see the lights,
some boxes out so we can see the routered feet etc . .
Hi just seen this....that’s cleverSo here’s all photos I’ve taken today.
First 2 are just of the racking in general.
3rd photo is off the LED lights that have been routered out so that I don’t catch them when removing top boxes.
4th photo is of the racking with some boxes removed. They’re all done like this total of 72 (Possibly 62) I think it was 113mm holes were done.
5th is the base that holds the boxes in place. I used pocket screws in order to get a good fixing into the dividers with the 4 feet so the boxes hold them self in place. I also had to router a small lip on the front as the boxes clip together. (Didn’t realise this till I had it all in and wasn’t happy with the boxes lip sticking up.)
6th pocket screws.
7th photo of the holes.
8th and 9th, this is where I store my levels. 1200 and 600, they have stoppers in them so the levels won’t go any further in. Done this to keep them safe.
10th just the base of the box.
11th the box in place so you can see how it sits. The feet of the boxes are approx 11mm so I used 12mm ply which makes them almost flush.
12th so I’m a plumber and need to get 3m pipe in and can’t stand the noise of a roof rack. I cut a hole into the bulk head which allows me to easily slot 3m into the van.
13th 14th 15th kind of cheated! These are photos taken on a timer with the doors closed so you can see how bright it is on a night.
16th ladders and plastic pipe in. Nice and tidy!
Any other questions do let me know!
Some bits I would do different is, have some carpet or something along them lines where the wood touches the bulk head as it does make a bit of a squeaking noise.
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It was only 1 sheet of 18mm and 2 sheets of 12mm. Good luck and welcome!Im a new member, just bought a transporter and was looking for ideas for the back.
Thats a lot of plywood!
I've got some euroboxes. Gonna just build a frame around them.
I’m a plumber! Good luck thou. Post some pictures when you’re doneThanks for the welcome.
it looks like you’re a joiner, with all the fancy tools that go with it.
I’m just an average electrician, so cutting a straight line is difficult enough.
I’m working on a raised floor between the boxed in wheel arches, with sliding euro boxes underneath.