Penultimate bits of a strip out after a data centre move. Some old kit.....
Made in 2004, end of life and support for over a decade now! They've had their monies worth out of that! It's not like it wasn't supporting something quite important like leased lines to remote sites!
The biggest multiway block/extension lead I have ever seen!

I may keep this. Funnily enough, not in the Olson catalogue these days.......
DC move was after a fire;
UPS failure causes network issues
Not surprised if the place was wired up using things like the above*
* - It wasn't, I just said that for effect. Word is the neutral line on the output of a three phase UPS went open, the load was badly balanced over the phases, and quite a bit of the kit got in excess of 400V across it and went pop or started to smoke!
ETA, I take that back, you can buy them, and ones ever greater!!!