Search results for query: 245/65

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  1. Ricardo T

    swamper over sized wheel carrier

    Yup I've got 4mo and a modified carrier for 245/65 x 17....hope i havnt jinxed it:rolleyes: ...
  2. Dino

    Show us your Swamper

    Hi. I had 245/65/17 and lowered 40mm (vw springs) and didn’t experience any problems. Gone up in the world now and love it.
  3. BognorMotors

    Tyre size - 265/65r17

    245/65/17 is the biggest really on a 17 with standard suspension.
  4. MrG

    All terrain tyres - recommendations and pictures

    It will be fine (but close) with a 235/65/17 on the Kato's (ET 30). If you go for the 245/65/17 tyres on those rims (ET of 30).... not so much ;-) TallPauls wheels have an ET of 35 so dont sit as proud (its only 5mm but makes all the difference if your door is carpeted etc) and we're not even...
  5. Cnud

    swamper over sized wheel carrier

    Yep, got a 245/65/R17 BFG in my wheel well with a modified carrier but I ain't got a 4mo and it's a T6
  6. J

    Lifting with dcc?

    I have crome deleted it with vinyl (same as wrapping materiel) a little fiddly but doable. And yes it has the 245/65 17 bf Goodrich
  7. Japseroony

    Show us your 17s

    With a set of 17” Davenport’s could I fit a set of BFG 225/65/17’s without any lift/modification? Would 235/65/17 or 245/65/17’s fit on the same rims and again without a lift/modification?
  8. D

    CoC legal wheel size

    Welcome to the Forum, you will find a great deal of information on tyre sizes here, the search facility is very good. Here are a few relevant threads; As you can see, 245/65/17 is a commonly used size.
  9. TallPaul_S

    General Grabber AT3's vs the BFG KO range

    It's a shame the Falkens aren't a bit more aggressive looking, as they're £350 cheaper than a set of KO2's at elite wheels o_O £1650 Vs £2000 on the OZ rally raid in 245/65 size.
  10. T

    VW Rocadura 17" wheels

    Hi I have been running them for 6 months now , with wildpeaks all weather types on 235/65/17 . When first fitted I thought they needed a sproget ring but they didn’t. Road noise is ok and grip in snow and flooding has been perfect
  11. TallPaul_S

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    They're 17" OZ Racing Rally Raid wheels. And 245/65 r17 Falken Wildpeak AT3WA tyres.
  12. F

    CoC legal wheel size

    Hi! Greating from Norway. I What does the CoC say about rim/tire sizes. 205/65r16 is a bit small:) I want 245/65-17 (or similar) on my t5.
  13. S

    [Guide] [T6_modified] T6 Speedo Adjustment with VCDS

    Setting 3 has resolved gear shift indicator and speedo is bang on with GPS using 245 65 17 BF Goodrich tyres. Cheers
  14. T

    245/70/17 BFG KO2 rubbing

    245/70/17? That's very large. Did you specify 65 and they just fitted 70 or is this the size that they recommended? It would be interesting to hear why they recommended something so large, unless they were struggling to sell a set on the shelf...
  15. TallPaul_S

    Are BFG K02 really Noisy?

    They're 245/65r17 - my van was low, it's now been raised back up I'd recommend 23565r17 - you'll be fine lowered by 50mm, they shouldn't rub and they're only slightly smaller than 245/65 size. If you're looking at 18" then I think 255/55 is the same size as 235/65 on 17" - or 235/55 in 18"...
  16. E

    Show us your Swamper

    Hi Guys, im about to buy the Tomahawk Kato wheels, with either Falken or BF Goodrich tyres, I can't decide whether to go with 245/65/17 or 235/65/17, I think I read in one of the forums that some have had issue with rubbing on full steering lock, I have standard suspension, don't plan to upgrade...
  17. MrG

    All terrain tyres - recommendations and pictures

    ...spent researching on and off..... decided on Falken Wildpeaks 235/65/17 on a new set of 17x8 rims with an ET35. Very nearly went for a set of 245/65/17 but on std T32 suspension its seems there is a very small possibility of needing to do some arch fettling and the carpet on sliding door...
  18. Alexander4699

    Show us your 17s

    @TallPaul_S I'd be really interested to know what K Number you used to change the calibration for 235 65 17 tyres? My van came with 16 inch wheels so will probably need recalibration with 225 65 17 AT tyres - thank you.
  19. campz

    Team Indium Grey

    Wheels are 17" OZ Racing Rally Raid with 245/65 R17 BFG
  20. T

    All terrain tyres - recommendations and pictures

    I run 235/65/17 in a 108. They make a 245/65/17 as well but with a 111 rating. Don't think there are many options outside of these two, maybe a 225 width. 245 will be very large and likely to rub.