Search results for query: tyre pressure

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  1. 6

    Sold Devonport’s on Goodyear Vector 2 All Season + TPMS.

    Do you or anyone else know if I could retrofit tyre pressure monitoring into my van as I don’t have it but if these have got the senses then surely I just need a control unit
  2. Rob The Daddy

    Tyre Pressure Monitor : Error Code C114602

    Hi Everyone, Hope you are well. Forgive me if someone has addressed this in an earlier thread. I have a T6 Transporter and the tyre pressure monitor light came on. My usual "Go To" Independent Garage discovered the Error Code and suggested that I need to go to a Dealer to get it reset...
  3. K

    To swamp or not to swamp?

    W What Tyre and what tyre size are you looking at? Just a thought because some sizes with some manufactures come in XL and then some, in certain cases. That means very stiff tough side walls. Of course you must visit a Tyre Comparison site for determining eventual pressure which is very...
  4. T


    ...on a 2wd but the wheel speed sensors (ABS sensors) are used for lots of systems. If they detect a mismatch the van could display a tyre pressure warning (a low pressure tyre acts like a smaller tyre as it will rotate faster). Similarly it could reduce the effectiveness or even disable many of...
  5. Sasquatch

    T 6.1 Tyre Sensors? not fitted with Nav Infotainment ?

    As I recall it flashed up I the middle of the dash display, but it was back in early September so my memory may be faulty on that point.
  6. ginkster

    Tyre Pressures 255/45/18

    The top tyre pressure plate is from my T28. Max axle weights are front 1600kg and rear 1550kg with max mass of 2800kg. On the weigh bridge the unloaded van (full camper conversion) weighs 1280kg front and 1000kg rear, so slightly higher pressure in the front makes sense. Loaded up the weight...
  7. T6Jay

    Winter Tyres?

    I have winters with tpms fitted and there is no recoding to do, just swap the wheels, check the pressure,s and re-set the tyre pressure on the dash This is on my BMW tho. Is the transporter different for some reason?
  8. colinthechemist

    17” tyre recommendations

    Tyre pressure recommendations? I'm just getting some BFG All Terrain's fitted to replace my worn-out Cooper Discoverers. They're both the same size (245/65/R17) but as non-standard tyres I've never known the correct pressure. I'm setting off tomorrow to drive fully-loaded to Italy, so want to be...
  9. W

    18” Tyre recommendations

    I have a 2017 T6 with 255/45R18 Landsail tyres on the front. The max pressure shown on the tyre is 44PSI and the recommended pressure according to the door frame sticker is also 44PSI. Is this right? Rears and other tyres on other vehicles I have show the recommended pressure to be a lot lower...
  10. temporarysecretary

    T32 20" Tyres - What Do You Use?

    This will address you tyre pressure needs : With regards to size. That size technically too big but I run it and it's fine. Certainly better than 275/40 my wheels came with.
  11. Steve Davies

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    Code suggested 2019 tyre. Yep, running at recommended pressures. I think I caught a the rusty remains of a sign post hidden in a grass verge a few days before.
  12. ginkster

    A mistake I didnt notice until now.

    ...that 800kg (100 load rating) then you are ok. If it’s more on one or both axles the tyres are not suitable and could cause you problems with insurance if you were to claim. Personally I wouldn’t go less than the load rating given in the tyre pressure plate - 103 for an 18” if I remember...
  13. P

    Tyre pressure monitoring unavailable showing dash errors - ABS Light, Traction Control Light and Tyre pressure warnings.

    tyre pressure loss indicator not available abs and traction light on too plus power steering not working or working intermittently. Any ideas as to what it may be?TIA
  14. B

    T6.1 Tyre pressure warning [Resolved]

    We are constantly getting tyre pressure warnings on our T6.1 transporter (its really a van t it). We didn’t pay for the TPS system so we assume that ours is based on the rolling circumference of the tyres. Now a bit of background, I have been through the forum and checked various things. Tyre...
  15. Nande2000

    Goodyear Vector 4 season cargo tyres cracking

    Just jet washing the van this morning and noticed a slight crack on one of the front tyres (see photo). Checked the other tyres and all have evidence of the same happening in the same place on the tyre. Is this a known problem with Goodyears ? They’ve only done 16 k miles, fitted by the dealer...
  16. Greybeard

    T32 Wheel Options.

    Those tyres are original, VW OEM, van-rated tyres, with very stiff sidewalls and high recommended pressures. Have look through this thread for replacement tyres; Show us your 17s Also, you could consider contacting @CRS Performance for advice regarding suitable suspension improvements. HTH.
  17. BognorMotors

    255/45/19 Tyre Pressures

    Hello. We don’t do anything 19” , but our 20’s we run at 36-44. So run the 19s at slightly higher pressure . Maybe 40-44. And check tyre wear periodically.

    Tyre Pressures 255/45/18

    I have just put 4 new tyres on my Van and was wondering what people have their tyre pressures at? I got this chart from Kwik Fit but not sure how accurate it is. Does any one else run on 255/45/18? Hoping for some advice.
  19. T

    17” tyre recommendations

    The higher load rating will be able to resist overheating at higher loads than required. This inevitably creates a stiffer sidewall and with that, a firmer ride. However, higher rated tyres tend to be used on heavier vehicles at higher pressures. Used on a lighter vehicle, at lower pressures...
  20. T6Paul

    Think I may change

    Most of the comfort will come with a good suspension set-up. 40mm isn’t a big drop but on standard shocks will feel cr4p. Yes, smaller wheels with bigger side walls will help but you will notice the biggest difference by sorting the suspension. What pressure are your tyres? That can make a...