To swamp or not to swamp?


Hi all, sorry if this has been talked about a lot before, but I'm after people's experiences and expertise on wheel/tyre combo's including swamper, all weather etc. etc.

So I've just got myself a 2019 T6 T28. It's currently sat on 20" range rover wheels, on a 35mm profile tyre, on standard suspension. I'd like to change the wheels to a bigger profile tyre and a nicer arch fit as the proportions look out and it hurts going over pot holes!

The question is what do people suggest from experience? I've looked at the swamper wheel/tyre combos, but I'm concerned about road noise as my van isn't sound deadened and thats a job a way off yet. So would therefore alloys be a more suited option for the time being with a decent all weather tyre?

I'd basically like to achieve a comfier ride, not have to worry too much about the shocking state of the roads and end up with a half decent arch fit without having to lower it.

A pic of what's currently on for reference
Vast majority of people would be better off with sensible size rims and All Season Tyres such as Michelin Crossclimate which are 3PM&S or something similar. In car sizes there are some very strong contenders not too sure now about van size not up to date. If you regularly trod over muddy fields then maybe All Terrain Tyres but make sure that they are rated 3PM&S Most AS tyres will do the job because they area rated for snow and ice and might well be a requirement if your going to some places in the EU at certain time of the year
"To swamp or not to swamp" only you can answer that question.
It's not a look that I like personally so I'd spend the money on getting it lowered and getting the suspension sorted, there are plenty running 20's on here who are perfectly happy with the ride quality.
But if swamers are your thing then go for it.
Edit. Just noticed you're not too far away from CRS, do a search on here, they'll be able to sort you out.
"To swamp or not to swamp" only you can answer that question.
It's not a look that I like personally so I'd spend the money on getting it lowered and getting the suspension sorted, there are plenty running 20's on here who are perfectly happy with the ride quality.
But if swamers are your thing then go for it.
Edit. Just noticed you're not too far away from CRS, do a search on here, they'll be able to sort you out.
Cheers I'll have a look at them. I'm quite easy on style either way, whether swampers or standard alloys, just interested to know what people's experiences are with what they have on.
I'd basically like to achieve a comfier ride, not have to worry too much about the shocking state of the roads and end up with a half decent arch fit without having to lower it.

17’s with AT tyres will get you where you want to be.

My previous van had lowered springs on standard dampers with 18” wheels, the ride was terrible. I then had it lowered on some
Reallly good suspension, still didn’t like the ride. I then went back to standard ride height on Koni Special dampers and springs with swamper wheels and the ride was awesome.

My current van has standard suspension on 20” rims and tyres with a good amount of side wall, the ride is OK, but I’m still going swamper wheels for what will be a super comfy ride
17’s with AT tyres will get you where you want to be.

My previous van had lowered springs on standard dampers with 18” wheels, the ride was terrible. I then had it lowered on some
Reallly good suspension, still didn’t like the ride. I then went back to standard ride height on Koni Special dampers and springs with swamper wheels and the ride was awesome.

My current van has standard suspension on 20” rims and tyres with a good amount of side wall, the ride is OK, but I’m still going swamper wheels for what will be a super comfy ride
What Tyre and what tyre size are you looking at? Just a thought because some sizes with some manufactures come in XL and then some, in certain cases. That means very stiff tough side walls. Of course you must visit a Tyre Comparison site for determining eventual pressure which is very likely to be lower than standard pressures but this still may not completely compensate for very tough side walls so the ride may not be exactly as soft as you may wish, depending on tyre.
My BFG KO2 AT 255/55R18 109R hat a 109 Load rating and they are quite stiff not sure about Falken Wildpeak tyre ratings but it may be worth having a look. I need my tyres but if i did not I would buy something else, for me they are fine I expect a compromise and I am used to the agricultural feel. Just thought I would mention it. Perhaps your choice will not be so toughly constructed but I just thought I would mention it. Lots of Expense tyre and wheel combinations
The main part of the comfort is coming from the suspension. If you lower the van, it’s going to get stiff and a lot more rigid, which will not be good over potholes etc.